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When I open the fatfs.img in a hex editor I see boot signatures 0x55 0xAA in the first 512 bytes. The offset from 0x1BE i.e. the partition table data entry is empty. I see 3 more 0x55 0xAA signatures at 512 byte offsets. What seems to be wrong? I see the same MBR repeated after 3072 bytes.
Thanks for the help. Got it that I have not made a partition.
In the Microsoft FAT32 specification I got it that there is a backup boot sector BPB_BkBootSec which equals 6 which is 3072 which is what I have observed.
The only problem now that I see is that in the specification the FAT32 boot sector is three 512-byte sectors long. What I see is only two 512 bytes ending with the 0xAA55 signature. What seems to be wrong here?