Hi, Brendan,
How do you install this where? How is it started by what? How is it assembled and linked?
Can you read it direct from disk (after trying to boot it) and disassemble it to verify that it wasn't corrupted on disk before it was booted (and that the tools used to compile it didn't do something "unexpected")?
Also; would you mind disassembling it with something like NDISASM so that I don't have to wonder if "jmp $ORG_SEGMENT, $(asmain)" is "jmp [0x0000:0x7C0A]" and not "jmp 0x0000:0x7C0A"? Note: As far as I can tell this is supposed to be "jmp $ORG_SEGMENT, $asmain" in AT&T syntax.
eisdt already answered about compiling and linking, I already disassembled it. esidt already tried to boot from that flash in qemu and everything was fine. That's what I got:
Code: Select all
.PHONY: all
as test.S -o test.o
ld test.o --oformat binary -Ttext 0x7C00 -o main.img
.PHONY: clean
rm -f test.o main.img
.PHONY: flash
sudo dd if=main.img of=/dev/sdb
Code: Select all
00007C00 FA cli
00007C01 EA067C0000 jmp word 0x0:0x7c06
00007C06 31C0 xor ax,ax
00007C08 8ED8 mov ds,ax
00007C0A 8EC0 mov es,ax
00007C0C 8ED0 mov ss,ax
00007C0E BC008E mov sp,0x8e00
00007C11 B8ADDE mov ax,0xdead
00007C14 E82100 call word 0x7c38
00007C17 E81800 call word 0x7c32
00007C1A B8687C mov ax,0x7c68
00007C1D E81800 call word 0x7c38
00007C20 B02E mov al,0x2e
00007C22 E80400 call word 0x7c29
00007C25 FA cli
00007C26 F4 hlt
00007C27 EBFC jmp short 0x7c25
00007C29 B40E mov ah,0xe
00007C2B B703 mov bh,0x3
00007C2D 60 pushaw
00007C2E CD10 int 0x10
00007C30 61 popaw
00007C31 C3 ret
00007C32 B05F mov al,0x5f
00007C34 E8F2FF call word 0x7c29
00007C37 C3 ret
00007C38 85C0 test ax,ax
00007C3A 7506 jnz 0x7c42
00007C3C B030 mov al,0x30
00007C3E E8E8FF call word 0x7c29
00007C41 C3 ret
00007C42 BB0A00 mov bx,0xa
00007C45 31C9 xor cx,cx
00007C47 31D2 xor dx,dx
00007C49 F7F3 div bx
00007C4B 83C101 add cx,byte +0x1
00007C4E 83C230 add dx,byte +0x30
00007C51 52 push dx
00007C52 85C0 test ax,ax
00007C54 7404 jz 0x7c5a
00007C56 31D2 xor dx,dx
00007C58 EBEF jmp short 0x7c49
00007C5A 5A pop dx
00007C5B 88D0 mov al,dl
00007C5D E8C9FF call word 0x7c29
00007C60 83E901 sub cx,byte +0x1
00007C63 85C9 test cx,cx
00007C65 75F3 jnz 0x7c5a
00007C67 C3 ret
00007C68 59 pop cx
00007C69 6F outsw
00007C6A 7520 jnz 0x7c8c
00007C6C 7368 jnc 0x7cd6
00007C6E 61 popaw
00007C6F 6C insb
00007C70 6C insb
00007C71 206E6F and [bp+0x6f],ch
00007C74 7420 jz 0x7c96
00007C76 7365 jnc 0x7cdd
00007C78 65207468 and [gs:si+0x68],dh
00007C7C 6973206D65 imul si,[bp+di+0x20],word 0x656d
00007C81 7373 jnc 0x7cf6
00007C83 61 popaw
00007C84 6765206F6E and [gs:edi+0x6e],ch
00007C89 207265 and [bp+si+0x65],dh
00007C8C 61 popaw
00007C8D 6C insb
00007C8E 206861 and [bx+si+0x61],ch
00007C91 7264 jc 0x7cf7
00007C93 7761 ja 0x7cf6
00007C95 7265 jc 0x7cfc
00007C97 2E0000 add [cs:bx+si],al
00007C9A 0000 add [bx+si],al
00007C9C 0000 add [bx+si],al
00007C9E 0000 add [bx+si],al
00007CA0 0000 add [bx+si],al
00007CA2 0000 add [bx+si],al
00007CA4 0000 add [bx+si],al
00007CA6 0000 add [bx+si],al
00007CA8 0000 add [bx+si],al
Have a nice day!