Code: Select all
segmentA: a000
pitch: 1280
Xres: 640
Yres: 480
planes: 1
bpp: 16
banks: 1
memory_model: 6
bank_size: 0
red_mask_size: 5
red_position: 11
green_mask_size: 6
green_position: 5
blue_mask_size: 5
blue_position: 0
physbase: fd000000
1. Do I use segmentA or physbase? I don't have paging yet. Do I need to manipulate segment A in any way (far pointer; if so, how do I do that?) or can I just do segmentA[location] = color
2. Which is correct? y * pitch + x = color or y * pitch + x * bpp = color
3. How do I use the mask and position variables to properly make a color? What's the range of colors I can use?
Thank you for your help, it's very much appreciated.