I will cut to the chase, I am having trouble loading my second stage of my bootloader, and can not quite figure out why. I don't want to dump code, but I have no easier way to express my issue:
Code: Select all
; The following lines of code are interpreted by the
; compiler, and are not a part of the output binary.
; The directives are specified below in comments.
[BITS 16] ; When loaded by the operating system, we are
; loaded into 16 bit mode. Thus, the kernel
; boot loader needs to be 16 bits.
[ORG 0x7C00] ; We get loaded into memory at location 0x7C00
; by BIOS
jmp bootloader_start ; Safely jump ourselves away from any stored
; data in the data segment.
; OEM Parameter Block
oemName db "BrenOS " ; Must be 8 Bytes long, thus padded with spaces
bytesPerSector: dw 512
sectorsPerClus: db 1
reservedSectrs: db 1
numberOfFATs: db 2
rootEntries: db 224
totalSectors: dw 2880
media: db 0xF0
sectorsPerFAT: dw 9
sectorsPerTrk: dw 18
headsPerCyln: dw 2
hiddenSectors: dd 0
totalSectBig: dd 0
driveNum: db 0
unused: db 0
extBootSig: db 0x29
serialNum: dd 0xa0a1a2a3
volLabel: db "BOS FLOPPY "
fileSystem: db "FAT12 "
; Function:
; bootloader_start()
; Params:
; <NONE>
; Description:
; Boot01 Entry Point, does the
; following functions:
; - Set up Segment Registers
; - Set up Early Stack for Use
; - Load Boot02, which lives
; just beyond Boot01 on Disk.
; - Jump control to Boot02.
; ---------------------------
; ---------------------------
cli ; Clear interrupts before we set segments or
; the stack...
xor ax, ax ; 0 out eax to clear junk
mov ds, ax ; Set the current data segment offset to 0
mov es, ax ; Do the same with es segment registers
; SETUP STACK, 0000:9E00
; Ok, now it's time to set up a stack for our stage01 boot loader
; to use. This will be used for function calls, and getting ready
; for our stage02 boot loader.
mov ax, 0x9E00 ; Set up 4K of stack space after this boot loader
; code. Start with where this code is loaded
; from.
mov ss, ax ; Point our SS to the segment directly after
; the boot loader
mov sp, 4096 ; Move our stack pointer to SS:4096, giving us
; 4K of stack space to work with.
sti ; ... and restore our interrupts.
call set_screen_mode
call clear_screen ; Clear the screen before we try to print
; any strings to the screen
mov si, stackmsg
call write_string
mov ax, ss ; Move SS into AX for printing
mov dx, ax
call print_hex
mov si, newline
call write_string
mov si, stkptmsg
call write_string
xor ax, ax
xor dx, dx
mov ax, sp
mov dx, ax
call print_hex
mov si, newline
call write_string
; Now that we have detected our Low Memory, we want to do some
; set up so that we can read our 2nd stage boot loader from
; the rest of the drive.
call reset_disk
; Ok... Now we need to read some sectors from the disk into our
; disk buffer space... wait... we need to set up a disk buffer
; space for ourselves first.
; Frankly, on second thought, at this level there is no idea of "reserved"
; space. Rather, I have a slot in memory that I am given to use.
; Hopefully we don't overflow...
mov ax, 0x7E00 ; AX = Address where we are going to read a sector
; into. This is the beginning of the disk buffer,
; the first bytes beyond the boot loader.
mov es, ax ; ES:BX = The where the sectors will be read to
xor bx, bx ; 0x7E00:0x0000 -> ES:0
; mov byte [disk_count], 5
call read_disk
; The disk has been read, lets make sure we we read the
; correct number of sectors
; cmp al, 1
; jne disk_error
; Now that we have read that sector to the disk, we can jump to it and
; continue execution! Unfortunately, this will not quite work yet,
; as there is no 2nd stage for me to load yet. Thus this is
; commented out...
; Now, before we go jumping to the new code, we want to do some sanity
; checking. That is, I want to ensure that this boot01 code was loaded
; where I think it was. This checks that the boot signature (0xAA55)
; was loaded in the correct location.
mov si, keymsg
call write_string
call wait_for_keypress
jmp 0x7E00
; jmp boot_end
; Function:
; set_screen_mode()
; Params:
; AX = Screen Mode
; 0x0003: 80 x 50 Text Mode
; 0x1112: 8 x 8 Font
; Description:
; Sets the screen to the desired
; resolution (80x50 with an 8x8 font).
; Requires int 0x0010 calls.
mov ax, 0x0003 ; First set the screen mode to 80x50 Text Mode
int 0x0010 ; BIOS Video function to set mode.
xor bx, bx ; Clear bx
mov ax, 0x1112 ; Now we want to set the font to an 8x8 Font
int 0x0010
mov ah, 0
int 0x10
lodsb ; Load the string buffer at ds:si
or al, al ; or the current character to ...
jz .write_string_end ; If it is 0 (null terminator) jump to the
; end print function. Else continue.
call write_character ; Write the character that is in the buffer
jmp write_string ; Do this until the buffer end is reached
mov bl, 0x04 ; Don't make any register assumptions, always
; set to wanted color here.
mov ah, 0x0E
int 0x10
mov cx, 4 ; Start the counter. AX contains 4 "characters"
; and thus our counter is 4. 4 bits per char.
; Control continues to hex_to_char_loop
dec cx ; Pre decrement our counter
mov ax, dx ; Copy DX to BX so we can mask it
shr dx, 4 ; Shift it 4 bits to the right, so we are
; dealing with a value such:
; 0xF29A --> 0x00F2
and ax, 0x0F ; Get the last 4 bits, one character
mov bx, hex_16_out ; Set BX to our output memory address
add bx, 2 ; Skip the '0x' char in the string
add bx, cx ; Add the counter to the address so
; we can address the correct byte in the string
cmp ax, 0xA ; Check to see if this is a letter or number
jl .set_letter ; If its a number, set the value immediately
; otherwise there is some preprocessing
add byte [bx], 7 ; If its a letter, add 7 to offset to ASCII
; values
jl .set_letter
add byte [bx], al ; Add the value of the byte to the char at bx
cmp cx, 0 ; Check the counter to see if we are done
je .print_hex_done ; If we are done, head on out of here
jmp .hex_to_char_loop ; Otherwise, leads head back to the printing
; loop so we can print the value
mov si, hex_16_out ; Now that we are done converting to char,
; lets print that out
call write_string
mov ah, 0x00 ; Move 0 into AH, the function we want to call
; 0 = reset floppy function
mov dl, 0x00 ; dl = drive number, 0 the current drive
int 0x13 ; Call BIOS reset function
jc reset_disk ; If the carry was set there was an error
; resetting the disk, try again.
call reset_disk
; dec byte [disk_count]
mov ah, 0x02 ; Function 0x02 = Read Disk Sector
mov al, 1 ; AL = # of sectors to read, we want the first sector
mov ch, 0 ; CH = Track number to read from, we are on the
; 1st track, along with the data
mov cl, 1 ; CL = Sector to Read, we want the second sector (passed
; the boot loader code)
mov dh, 0 ; DH = Drive Head Number, the 0th head
mov dl, 0 ; DL = Drive Number, 0th drive is the floppy drive
int 0x13 ; BIOS call to read the sector based on the params
; set up in the previous block
; cmp byte [disk_count], 0
; jne read_disk_retry ; If there is an error, and we haven't tried 5 times, try again
mov si, dskerrmsg
call write_string
xor ax, ax
int 0x16
mov si, nobootmsg
call write_string
mov ax, [0x7DFE] ; Before we exit, put the bootsig
; into AX, so we can verify that we are
; loaded into the location that we expect.
mov bx, [bootsig] ; Verify the results with bootsig location.
jmp .boot_finish
; Boot loader Static Messages / Data
newline db 0x0A, 0x0D, 0
stackmsg db "Stack Segement set to: ", 0
stkptmsg db "Stack Pointer setup to: ", 0
dskerrmsg db "Error reading sector from disk! PANIC!", 0
keymsg db "Waiting for keypress to hand control to Boot02..", 0x0A, 0x0D, 0
nobootmsg db "No Boot02!", 0
; Boot loader data output swap space
hex_16_out: db '0x0000', 0
disk_count db 0
; Drive information about absolute load location
bootSector db 0x00
bootHead db 0x00
bootTrack db 0x00
TIMES 510 - ($ - $$) db 0 ; Compiler macro ($ and $$) that
; fills all the intermediate space with
; 0 bytes.
bootsig dw 0xAA55 ; Finally, put the boot sector signature
; at the end of the file.
Code: Select all
; We will be using this Stage02 shell
; to eventually load us into 32 bit mode, along with
; seup our correct segmenting modes.
; NOTE: We are no longer limited to 512 bytes,
; this section can be as large as it needs/wants to ne
; and can consist of a large amount of pre initialization
; to the kernel.
[ORG 0x7E00] ; We offset to 0 for now, after the shell is done
; we will use correct segmentation
[BITS 16] ; Yep, still in 16bit Real Mode
jmp boot_stage02_main
; =========================
; =========================
mov si, boot2msg
call write_string
jmp loop_stub
or al, al
jz .print_done
mov ah, 0x0E
int 0x10
jmp write_string
jmp loop_stub
; =======================
; ======================
boot2msg db 'Welcome to 2nd stage...', 0
Code: Select all
nasm bootstage01.asm -f bin -o boot01.bin
qemu-system-x86_86 boot01.bin
-- or --
truncate boot01.bin -s 1200k
mkisofs -o iso/boot01.iso -b boot01.bin ./
My problem arises on the second stage. Here is what I have tried:
Code: Select all
nasm bootstage01.asm -f bin -o boot01.bin
nasm bootstage02.asm -f bin -o boot02.bin
cat boot01.bin boot02.bin > bootloader.bin
qemu-system-x86_64 bootloader.bin
-- or --
truncate bootloader.bin -s 1200k
mkisofs -o iso/bootloader.iso -b bootloader.bin ./
-- or --
nasm ..
nasm ..
cat ..
dd if=bootloader.bin of=iso/bootloader.iso
Note: If I did something wrong with this post (dumping code, formatting, etc...) please let me know and I can clean it up and try to make it succinct.
Note 2: Comments in code are semi-relevant to the code (about 95% of the time they are correct). Unfortunately this has been rolling code, and the comments haven't had the same update love the code has.