Right now I am working on implementing interrupts in my toy OS.
When a interrupt that pushes an error code occurs it pushes: ss, esp, eflags, cs, eip and finally the error code! Right?
But is the error code 32 bit?
If I want to pop it, i'd go: pop ah, pop ax or pop eax?
How big are interrupt error codes?
How big are interrupt error codes?
All a good OS needs to do is to run Linux inside QEMU
Re: How big are interrupt error codes?
ss and esp are only pushed if you're interrupting from user-code through a TSS and in the other direction, are only poped if cs is not the same as the actual cs.StartOS wrote:When a interrupt that pushes an error code occurs it pushes: ss, esp, eflags, cs, eip and finally the error code! Right?
I use the full 4 bytes (from c) of the errorcode and it works
Re: How big are interrupt error codes?
Thanks tkausl !
All a good OS needs to do is to run Linux inside QEMU