What I am doing is very similar to what your attempting and although unconventional in some aspects, there may be something you can use.
This code has been tested on both BOCH's and a Lenovo ThinkCenter.
written for FASM, but all that really needs be replaced are the "@@:" with something NASM will understand such as ".0A:" or something like that.
Code: Select all
include 'Include\BIOS.inc'
BOOT_SEG equ 0x7c0
EXT_IMG equ 0x06a ; Base address of extended boot image
BOOT_DRIVE equ BP - 10 ; 00 or 01 FDD, 80 or 8? for HDD\SD\USB
; Strictly for curiosities sake, preserve general purpose and segment registers so thier state
; as passed by BIOS can be displayed later.
push cs
push ds
push es
push ss
push fs ; Stack now has 14 word values, 16 assuming the
push gs ; the first two is a far pointer back into BIOS.
; Do a far jump to compensate for quirky BIOS and so value for CS:IP is known.
jmp BOOT_SEG:Begin
; NOTE: I won't document these two procedurs as they live for a very short period of time
; as they are overwritten by E820 map. Subsequent sources will have more elaborate versions
; of these.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
mov ah, TTY ; Teletype output
@@: lodsb
or al, al ; Terminating character yet?
jz @F
jmp @B
@@: ret
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I2A: std ; Reverse direction
push es
push cs
pop es
@@: push ax
and al, 15
or al, '0'
cmp al, '9'
jbe $ + 4
add al, 7
pop ax
shr ax, 4
jnz @B
pop es
align 8
; ============================================================================================
; Conventional address space 0:0000 > F:FFFF needs to be initialized peculiar
; to my OS's requirements.
; Determine number of 4k blocks up to EBDA.
mov ax, BDA ; AX = 40H
mov ds, ax ; DS points to BIOS Data Area
mov ax, [MEM] ; Get # of 4k blocks from 40:13
shl ax, 6 ; Convert to segment value, AX *= 64
; Create a 64k block of data for scratch and stack and initialize it to -1's. This is
; to facilitate stack probbing in the event of memory leaks in stack space.
sub ah, 16 ; Bumpto beginning of this 64k block
mov es, ax ; Essentially AX -= 0x1000
or eax, -1 ; Fill pattern for 64k block
mov cx, 0x4000 ; Number of dwords to be written
xor di, di
rep stosd ; Fill buffer
; C0 (192) bytes of this buffer is going to be a scatch area pointed to by SS:BP.
; The 16 word values on stack are going to be moved to new TOS
sub di, 192 + 32 ; ES:DI now points to new TOS
push ss
pop ds
mov si, sp ; DS:SI points to values previously save
mov cl, 16
rep movsw ; Move values saved in preamble
; New BP and SP to be established.
mov bp, di ; DI points to scratch area @ FF40
mov ax, es
; New stack pointer can be set and we want to make sure an interrupt doesn't happen
; at the same time.
mov sp, di
sub sp, 32
mov ss, ax
sti ; New stack established.
; Give user a little indication of what is going on.
push cs
pop ds ; DS:SI points to prompts
mov si, Prompt
call ShowS
; Load remainder of track at 7E00 assuming it is a 360k low density disk with only 8
; sectors / track. In effect this gives us a 4K boot loader.
mov ax, cs
add al, 32
mov es, ax
xor bx, bx ; ES:BX points to buffer @ 7E0:0000
mov dl, [BOOT_DRIVE] ; Drive designator passed by BIOS
mov cx, 2 ; CH = 0 (Head #), CL start @ second sector
mov ax, D_READ * 256 + 7 ; AH = Read and AL for next 7 sectors
or ah, ah ; Test if there was an error
jz @F
; Show that load failed with error #.
mov si, Error ; Error String
mov di, si
add di, 16 ; Point to last digit of error number
shr ax, 8 ; Shift error number into LSB
call I2A ; Convert to ASCII Hex
call ShowS
; If we get an error here, it's probably because media is defective so just changing disk
; and re-setting is the easiest as this has a very slim chance of happening.
jmp $ - 1 ; Spin indefinately
; Not particularly useful information, but does give user some indication what's going on
@@: mov di, si
add di, 4
mov ax, es
call I2A
call ShowS
; Now we are going to move this all out of the way into lower memory starting @ 50:0
xor si, si ; DS:SI points to beginning of this code
mov ax, EXT_IMG
mov es, ax
mov di, si ; ES:DI points to buffer in low memory
mov cx, 2 * 512 ; Total size of this code block
rep movsd ; Move 1024 dwords = 4,096 or 8 512 byte sectors
jmp EXT_IMG:@F ; Branch to this code at its new location
Prompt db 13, 10, 'Proto_Sys extended load ', 0, '@ 000:0', 0
Error db 'Failed Error = 00', 0
; As it will persist for a little while, E820 map will live just above BDA @ 0x50:0
MAP_BASE equ 0x50 ; Base segment of E820 map
COUNT equ BP + 1 ; # of map entries and thier actual size @ BP (word)
MAX_ENTRIES equ BP + 2 ; Maximum number of etnries
; Initialize a reasonable sized buffer to null. This is to eliminate extraneous data from
; each 20 byte entry that are going to be aligned on 32 byte boundaries.
@@: mov cx, cs
add cx, @F / 16
mov ax, MAP_BASE
sub cx, ax
mov [MAX_ENTRIES], cl ; Maximum number of entries
shl cx, 2
mov es, ax
mov ds, ax ; Segment pointers must be the same
xor eax, eax
mov di, ax
push di
align 16
@@: rep stosd ; 0500H to 2300 fill with nulls (more than enough)
; Initialize register to values required by int 0x15 (Big memory services).
pop di ; ES:DI points to base of E820 map
mov ebx, eax ; Continuation value initially null.
mov edx, 'PAMS' ; Map signature
mov ecx, eax
mov [ENTRY_SIZE], ax ; # of entries and length of each to null
jmp @F ; BP + 1 = Length of each entry
; This local subroutine essentially save 20 bytes of code. Every bit counts when
; restricted to 512.
push edx ; Preserve signature
mov cl, 24 ; Some BIOS may have extended lengths
mov eax, 0xE820
inc byte [di + 20]
pop edx ; Restore signature
; This is only called once as there is a set of specific errors associated with first
; invocation.
@@: call GetMData ; Initial call to function
jc .Done ; If CF on first pass, no map
cmp eax, edx
jne .Done ; If string "SMAP" was not returned, error
test ebx, ebx
jz .Done ; EBX = 0 if end of map and at this point no entries
; Top of loop, keep calling function until EBX returns null or an error occurs
jcxz .Skip ; Function error
mov [ENTRY_SIZE], cl
cmp cl, 20
jbe @F
test byte [di + 20], 1
je .Skip
@@: mov eax, [di+8]
or eax, [di+12] ; Ignore entries with null lengths
jz .Skip
inc byte [COUNT] ; Bump entry count
add di, 32 ; Point to next entry
mov ax, [COUNT]
sub ah, al
jc .Done
test ebx, ebx
jz .Done ; ZF = 1, then list is complete
call GetMData ; Read another entry
jnc .NextEntry ; CF = 0, continue
xor eax, eax
mov ax, es
shl ax, 4
mov [E820_PNTR], eax
; We could just simply turn the gate on, but I would like to know which BIOS already have
; gate on and which don't.
mov byte [A20_LINE], GREEN ; A20 was already on
mov cx, 0x8000 ; Try turning A20 on 32,768 times
; This sets up pointers for what is known as the wrap around method. In this case
; DS:SI (0x7c5) will point to "GetMData" and ES:DI (1007c5) if gate is on
mov si, cs
shl si, 4
add si, GetMData
mov di, si
add di, 16
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
dec ax
mov es, ax
; Take value at memory location, negate it and write it back. If it's not the same
; then gate is on
@@: push di
push si
neg ax
cmp [si-2], ax
pop si
pop di
jnz .On
; This fast A20 gate mentod works on my test system, Phoenix TrustedCore Desktop SP2
; for ThinkCenter.
mov byte [A20_LINE], YELLOW ; A20 turned off with fast method
in al, 0x92
or al, 2
out 0x92, al
dec cx
jnz @b
mov byte [A20_LINE], RED ; Indication that A20 failed
; *** This is where code will be entered to use alternate method(s) of turning A20 on
; Construct a far pointer to stack to jump to next segment with CS:IP set to CS+32:0
align 64 ; So entry point is easy to find in BOCH's
mov ax, cs
add ax, 32 ; Segment into next code
push ax
push 0 ; Offet
retf ; Essentially far jump to next sector
times (510 - $) db 144
dw 0xAA55 ; Boot signature
; Beginning of sector 2 of boot image