Booting from USB drive (SOLVED)

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Booting from USB drive (SOLVED)

Post by bigbob »

I have tried to boot my OS from USB pen-drive for a few days, I read the following threads: ... 17&start=0

Fortunately I managed to do it some time ago on a Dell D820 laptop.
To sum up what is in the threads above:
"USB Storage Device" needs to be the first setting in the Boot-Sequence in BIOS.
If there are "Emulate USB as Floppy" and "Emulate USB as HDD" settings in your BIOS, then set "Emulate USB as HDD".
In the BIOS of the D820 there are no such settings, so I assume that "Emulate USB as HDD" is the default setting.
This must be true because I couldn't boot from USB-drive with my floppy-image (with or without the BIOS Parameter Block (BPB)).
The code below assumes that HDD-emulation is used.

I am a Linux user, so I don't know much about Windows, but they say that diskpart can be used for
partitioning an USB-drive, and bootsect.exe for copying sectors to it.

On Linux, we will use mostly the command dd.

How to do it on Linux:
Let's assume that we have a USB-drive formatted with FAT32. Plug it in.
The mount command will print the following line (this line was missing from mount before plugging the pen-drive in):
"/dev/sdb1 on /media/68D4-F9FC type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,uid=1000,gid=1000,fmask=0022,dmask=0077,codepage=cp437,iocharset=utf8,
So the pen-drive is /dev/sdb1. We could also get this info e.g. from dmesg.
It is important to know that sdb1 is the first partition of the pen-drive.
If there were more partitions, then there would be /dev/sdb2, /dev/sdb3, ... in the list, so we have to use /dev/sdb with dd.

1. Unmount the pen-drive
umount /dev/sdb1

2. Get the binaries (see mbr.asm and vbr.asm below)
nasm -f bin mbr.asm -o mbr.bin
nasm -f bin vbr.asm -o vbr.bin

3. Transfer the Master Boot Record (mbr.bin) to the first sector (i.e. 0th)
dd if=mbr.bin of=/dev/sdb

4. Transfer the Volume Boot Record (vbr.bin) to the second sector (i.e. 1st), seek=1 skips one sector
dd if=vbr.bin of=/dev/sdb seek=1

That's all. Just plug the pen-drive in your computer and boot. The following messages should appear:
*** USB (MBR) ***

*** Volume Boot Record (VBR) ***

There are a few things I am not certain about:
- Do we need to call GetDriveParams? It is commented out. (MBR)
- DAP buffer is not 16-byte aligned. Would it be important? Mentioned in a thread above.
Should be allocated dynamically, in order to be aligned. (it works this way too) (MBR)
- I am not sure if I correctly filled the first partition-entry (MBR)
- BPB is commented out in the vbr.asm. Would it be necessary? (VBR)

The MBR just loads the second sector (i.e. 1st, VBR) and jumps to its beginning.
It also saves the drive-index it was booted from (it is 0x80).
According to my tests 0x81 is my local winchester in the D820, and 0x82 failed, so it doesn't exist.
As it was mentioned in one of the threads above, the drive we boot from gets 0x80, and then comes the other ones in sequence.
The assembly-code is not the best, I know.

Code: Select all

;	mbr.asm

bits 16								; we are in 16 bit real mode

org	0								; we will set regisers later

;	Entry Point


	; code located at 0000:7C00, adjust segment registers
			cli						; disable interrupts
			mov ax, 0x07C0			; setup registers to point to our segment
			mov ds, ax
			mov es, ax				; es: segment to put loaded data into (bx: offset)
			mov fs, ax
			mov gs, ax

	; create stack
			mov ax, 0x0000			; set the stack
			mov ss, ax
			mov sp, 0xFFFF
			sti						; restore interrupts

	; save drive-idx we booted from

			mov [drive_idx], dl

	; Display loading message
			mov si, msgTxt
			call Print

	; Get Drive Parameters from BIOS

;			call GetDriveParams

	; Load Volume Boot Record (VBR) from sector 1 (2nd sector), to 0x0050:0000 (i.e. 0x500)
			mov eax, 1			; read (from) 2nd sector
			mov cx, 1			; read 1 sector
			mov bx, 0x0050		; to 0x0050:0000
			mov di, 0
			call ReadSectors

			mov dl, [drive_idx]

			; jump to 0x500
			push WORD 0x0050
			push WORD 0x0000

; Prints a string
; IN:
;		DS:SI (0 terminated string)
Print:		lodsb				; load next byte from string from SI to AL
			or	al, al			; Does AL=0?
			jz .Back			; Yep, null terminator found-bail out
			mov	ah, 0x0E		; Nope-Print the character
			int	0x10
			jmp	Print			; Repeat until null terminator found
.Back		ret					; we are done, so return

;GetDriveParams:	; (DS:SI ptr to buffer)
;			mov ah, 0x48
;			mov dl, [drive_idx]
;			push ds
;			mov bx, 0x50
;			mov ds, bx
;			mov si, 0
;			int 0x13
;			; save result
;			mov ax, 0x50
;			mov ds, ax
;			mov si, 0
;			mov eax, [ds:si+4]
;			mov [phys_cylinders], eax
;			mov eax, [ds:si+8]
;			mov [phys_heads], eax
;			mov eax, [ds:si+12]
;			mov [phys_sectors], eax
;			mov ax, [ds:si+24]
;			mov [bytes_per_sector], ax
;			pop ds
;			ret

; Reads a series of sectors
; IN: 	EAX (Starting sector)
;		CX (Number of sectors to read)
;		BX:DI (Buffer to read to)
			mov bp, 0x0005				; max. 5 retries
.Again		mov dl, [drive_idx]
			mov BYTE [buff], 0x10		; size of this structure (1 byte)
			mov BYTE [buff+1], 0		; always zero (1 byte)
			mov WORD [buff+2], cx		; number of sectors to read (2 bytes)
			mov WORD [buff+4], di		; segment:offset ptr to memory to read to (4 bytes) 
			mov WORD [buff+6], bx 
			mov DWORD [buff+8], eax		; read from sector (8 bytes)
			mov DWORD [buff+12], 0 
			mov ah, 0x42
			mov si, buff 
			int 0x13
			jnc	.Ok
			dec bp
			jnz	.Again
			mov si, msgErrTxt
			call Print
		jmp $
			int 0x18
.Ok			popa

buff				times 16 db 0		; Note: DAP-buff is not 16-byte aligned. Problem!?

msgTxt				db 0x0D, 0x0A, "*** USB (MBR) ***", 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x00
msgErrTxt			db "VBR error", 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x00
drive_idx			db 0
;phys_cylinders		dd 0
;phys_heads			dd 0
;phys_sectors		dd 0
;bytes_per_sector	dw 0


; Partition1 0x01BE  (i.e. first partition-entry begins from 0x01BE)
; Partition2 0x01CE
; Partition3 0x01DE
; Partition4 0x01EE
; We only fill/use Partition1
TIMES 0x1BE-($-$$) DB 0
db 0x80			; Boot indicator flag (0x80 means bootable)
db 0			; Starting head
db 3		; Starting sector (6 bits, bits 6-7 are upper 2 bits of cylinder)
db 0			; Starting cylinder (10 bits)
db 0x8B			; System ID	(0x8B means FAT32)
db 0			; Ending head
db 100			; Ending sector (6 bits, bits 6-7 are upper 2 bits of cylinder)
db 0			; Ending cylinder (10 bits)
dd 2		; Relative sector (32 bits, start of partition)
dd 97	; Total sectors in partition (32 bits) 
; it's a dummy partition-entry (sectornumbers can't be zeros, 
starting CHS and LBA values should be the same if converted to each other).

TIMES 510-($-$$) DB 0
DW 0xAA55

Code: Select all

;	vbr.asm

bits 16								; we are in 16 bit real mode

org	0								; we will set regisers later

;start:	jmp	main					; jump to start of bootloader

;	BIOS Parameter Block

; BPB Begins 3 bytes from start. We do a far jump, which is 3 bytes in size.
; If you use a short jump, add a "nop" after it to offset the 3rd byte.

;bpbOEM					db "My OS   "		; OEM identifier (Cannot exceed 8 bytes!)
;bpbBytesPerSector:  	DW 512
;bpbSectorsPerCluster:	DB 1				; we want 1 sector/cluster
;bpbReservedSectors: 	DW 1				; the Bootsector (it won't have a FAT)
;bpbNumberOfFATs:		DB 2				; FAT12 has 2 FATs
;bpbRootEntries:		DW 224				; Floppy has max. 224 dirs in its root dir
;bpbTotalSectors:		DW 2880
;bpbMedia:				DB 0xF0				; 0xf8  ;; 0xF1	; Info about the disk; it's a bit pattern
;bpbSectorsPerFAT:		DW 9
;bpbSectorsPerTrack:	DW 18
;bpbHeadsPerCylinder:	DW 2
;bpbHiddenSectors:		DD 0
;bpbTotalSectorsBig:	DD 0
;bsDriveNumber:			DB 0 				; not 1 !?
;bsUnused:				DB 0
;bsExtBootSignature:	DB 0x29
;bsSerialNumber:		DD 0xa0a1a2a3
;bsVolumeLabel:			DB "MOS FLOPPY "	; exactly 11 bytes
;bsFileSystem:			DB "FAT12   "		; exactly 8 bytes

;	Bootloader Entry Point


	; code located at 0000:0500, adjust segment registers
			cli						; disable interrupts
			mov ax, 0x0050			; setup registers to point to our segment
			mov ds, ax
			mov es, ax
			mov fs, ax
			mov gs, ax

	; create stack
			mov ax, 0x0000			; set the stack
			mov ss, ax
			mov sp, 0xFFFF
			sti						; restore interrupts

	; Ensure 80*25

;			mov ax, 3				; mode 80*25, clearscreen
;			int 10h

	; Display loading message
			mov si, msgTxt
			call Print


; Prints a string
; IN:
;		DS:SI (0 terminated string)
Print:		lodsb				; load next byte from string from SI to AL
			or	al, al			; Does AL=0?
			jz .Back			; Yep, null terminator found-bail out
			mov	ah, 0x0E		; Nope-Print the character
			int	0x10
			jmp	Print			; Repeat until null terminator found
.Back		ret					; we are done, so return

msgTxt				db 0x0D, 0x0A, "*** Volume Boot Record ***", 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x00


TIMES 510-($-$$) DB 0
DW 0xAA55

Last edited by bigbob on Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:26 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Booting from USB drive (Info)

Post by glauxosdev »

bigbob wrote:- Do we need to call GetDriveParams? It is commented out. (MBR)
At least me, I don't do it, as long as I use BIOS LBA Extensions, maybe I am wrong.
bigbob wrote:- DAP buffer is not 16-byte aligned. Would it be important? Mentioned in a thread above.
Should be allocated dynamically, in order to be aligned. (it works this way too) (MBR)
If you are unsure just align it, though you could also reserve some space outside the MBR to have more space for executable code.

As for the other questions I am unsure me too. :(

PS: As for the "org 0" and ds=es=fs=gs=0x7C0 I think it would be better to change it to "org 0x7C00" and ds=es=fs=gs=0, so you can easier access memory below the bootloader. It will be certainly needed for any future structures built while the bootloader executes.

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Re: Booting from USB drive (Info)

Post by Roman »

GetDriveParams is not necessary, but can be useful.
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Re: Booting from USB drive (Info)

Post by bigbob »

Thanks for the answers guys!

I have an "ASUS Eee PC 1001PX" Netbook and in its BIOS I set "Removeable Dev." as the first one in the Boot Sequence.
There are no other USB-related settings.
The problem is that it doesn't see my USB-pendrive as a bootable one. As if it wasn't there.
Immediately GRUB loads Debian Linux.
I plugged the pendrive directly in the Netbook and not via a HUB.

So, my Dell D820 boots from it, but my ASUS Netbook doesn't.
Can it be that the BIOS of the Netbook finds the first partition-entry unsuitable in the MBR? Maybe something is missing from it.
I am sure that booting from USB can't be this unreliable.

There is GRUB+Debian Linux also on the D820.
My Netbook is newer than the D820.
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Re: Booting from USB drive (Info)

Post by glauxosdev »

Once I came across an Altec laptop which was unable to boot my OS, but more than able to boot Windows Installer from USB. Maybe there are manufacturers that use Microsoft patents to prevent any OS other than Windows? I'm not talking about Secure Boot right now, but about biased BIOSes.
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Re: Booting from USB drive (Info)

Post by bigbob »

glauxosdev wrote:Once I came across an Altec laptop which was unable to boot my OS, but more than able to boot Windows Installer from USB. Maybe there are manufacturers that use Microsoft patents to prevent any OS other than Windows? I'm not talking about Secure Boot right now, but about biased BIOSes.
I bought it with Win7.
I have no idea, but I hope it's not the case.
In those threads in my first post, I remember at least one person mentioning successful boots from USB-drive on Netbooks too (he managed to boot on several computers). I can't be this unlucky (one of my computers having a biased BIOS) :)
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Re: Booting from USB drive (Info)

Post by bigbob »

I managed to test it on a Packard Bell laptop a few minutes ago.
The boot-sequence of the Packard-BIOS has three USB-related setting:

I set "USB HDD" to be the first in the boot-sequence, but the result is the same as with the Netbook, as if the pen-drive wasn't there, Linux gets booted immediately.
So out of three computers, only the Dell D820 boots from the pen-drive with the MBR.

EDIT: I changed the starting-sector (3rd byte) in the first partition-entry to 1, and the ending-sector (6th byte) to 100, since the sector-number can't be zero, it didn't help.
I also added "mov dl, [drive_idx]" to mbr.asm (right before jumping to VBR).
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Re: Booting from USB drive (SOLVED)

Post by bigbob »

It turned out that the partition-entry was wrong:
- sectornumbers can't be zeros
- starting CHS and LBA have to be the same (converting one to the other)

I changed the code of the MBR above (added dummy values to the partition-entry).

Now it also boots on the Packard Bell laptop :)
Last edited by bigbob on Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Booting from USB drive (SOLVED)

Post by bigbob »

Just one more thing.
In order to restore the original USB-pendrive just use "GParted" or "Disks" (in Ubuntu). ... thumbdrive

Maybe the best would have been to save the original MBR with dd, and then get the values of its partition-entry with e.g.
hexdump -C mbrorig.bin
and put them to our partition-entry in mbr.asm.
And of course, it would be possible to restore the original MBR now.
Last edited by bigbob on Thu Apr 16, 2015 1:37 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Booting from USB drive (SOLVED)

Post by KemyLand »

That's good, and pretty much real OSDeving! Now, let's do the "hard" work, upload this to the wiki :wink: . I'm sure we're all grateful for your contributions.
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Re: Booting from USB drive (SOLVED)

Post by bigbob »

KemyLand wrote:That's good, and pretty much real OSDeving! Now, let's do the "hard" work, upload this to the wiki :wink: . I'm sure we're all grateful for your contributions.
Thanks! I have thought about that too.
The original code is from the BrokenThorn tutorials, but I am still not sure about the code I added to it (INT13H with AH=42H and the partition-entry).
My netbook still ignores the USB-pendrive.
It seems that some BIOSs do more strict checking than others :)

I will experiment some more with it and will think about adding it to the Wiki when it boots on all three of my computers.
My OS booted from CD with floppy-emulation for a long time, so booting from USB is pretty new to me.

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Re: Booting from USB drive (SOLVED)

Post by bigbob »

The code of an MBR is not that simple (e.g. relocation from 0x7C00 is necessary in order to load the VBR to 0x7C00).
It seems, it's enough if I change the boot-flag of the partition-entry in the MBR (if it is not already 0x80), get the DWORD from the 8th byte in the partition-entry ("Relative Sector (to start of partition -- also equals the partition's starting LBA value)"). This "Relative Sector" is the address of the VBR.
For example, if it is 0x00000020, then:
dd if=vbr.bin of=/dev/sdb seek=32
writes vbr.bin to the 0x00000020th sector.
"*** Volume Boot Record ***"-message gets displayed on the screen (don't forget to change vbr.asm to 0x7C00).
The problem with this solution is that I have to add this value of the "Relative Sector" (i.e 0x00000020) to the code of the VBR, since I can't make MBR to pass it to VBR.
At least, I see no other way now. The start of the partition is not in the BPB, and of course, it is necessary to read/write the partition.

Unfortunately it still doesn't boot on my netbook (but it boots on two latops).
EDIT: I also added the BPB to the code of the VBR from the original VBR (e.g. by "hexdump -C OrigVBR.bin").
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Re: Booting from USB drive (SOLVED)

Post by DavidCooper »

bigbob wrote:The problem with this solution is that I have to add this value of the "Relative Sector" (i.e 0x00000020) to the code of the VBR, since I can't make MBR to pass it to VBR.
Your MBR is supposed to put the address of the bootable partition entry in DS:SI so that your VBR can then look there to find out where its partition began. If you're writing a multiboot MBR it can offer a choice of partition to boot and then it will line DS:SI up on the one the user chooses to boot from.
Unfortunately it still doesn't boot on my netbook (but it boots on two latops).
Have you tried someone else's MBR code or tried any other way to see if it can boot anything at all from USB? I wouldn't advise you to use my MBR because the main path through its code hasn't been tested extensively (but feel free to try it) - I normally use it with just one bootable partition (although it allows the user to choose from up to four) and because it normally finds my own special type of partition it then jumps to special code that lets the user select and boot a subpartition from within that partition (which can contain hundreds of bootable floppy disk images, though it only allows direct booting of two of them [the first subpartition and the most recently modified one down the line from there until the dates jump backwards] - the rest can be selected and booted from within my OS).

Here's my MBR code if you want to risk it, but be warned that it accesses the 8042 port directly to get keyboard input instead of using the BIOS, so it won't work on any machines that don't have a PS/2 port. (I keep meaning to fix that but never have the time.) You can get it onto a flash drive using a hex editor like HxD (use copy and paste) - just make sure you select sector 0 of a physical drive and not a logical drive. This code has been tested and works fine on two netbooks (both Advent) and a laptop (Sony), all machines from the Windows XP era.

Edit: warning withdrawn - I had changed the code to use the BIOS for key input but never got round to updating my notes on it.

Code: Select all

33 C0 8E D0 BC 00 7C 8E D8 8E C0 8B F4 BF 00 06 B9 00 01 FC F3 A5 EA 1B 06 00 00 BF 28 07 B8 00 B8 B9 31 00 8E C0 BE AE 07 B8 10 00 03 F0 8A 04 3C 80 75 3E 8A D9 66 8B 44 08 66 A3 B0 07 60 06 1E B4 42 BE A8 07 CD 13 FC 1F 07 61 A1 AC 07 56 96 AD 46 B4 09 8A C1 AB B0 20 AB 51 B1 08 AC AB E2 FC 59 B8 8C 00 03 F8 5E A1 AC 07 05 00 02 A3 AC 07 41 91 3C 35 91 75 B0 8B C7 3D 28 07 75 02 EB FE 3D C8 07 8A E3 BB 08 00 74 0F E8 59 00 3C 02 72 F9 3C 06 73 F5 04 2F 8A E0 BE 28 07 26 8A 04 3A C4 74 0D B9 A0 00 03 F1 43 43 3B F7 74 DC EB EC FB BE AE 07 2C 30 8A C8 B8 10 00 03 F0 E2 FC 33 C0 8E C0 8A 44 04 C1 C3 08 3C 82 74 25 56 93 96 BF 00 7C B9 00 01 F3 A5 5E 66 8B 4C 08 4C 66 33 DB EA 00 7C 00 00 06 1E B4 00 CD 16 1F 07 8A C4 FC C3 BF F7 AD 8E C7 56 BE 9B 07 4F B4 0C AC AB 3C 6E 75 FA 33 C0 8E C0 5E E8 DA FF 3C 1C 74 BD 3C 39 75 F5 B8 00 02 03 C3 A3 AC 07 53 8B D8 05 00 02 97 66 8B 44 08 66 05 00 0C 00 00 66 A3 B0 07 BE A8 07 B4 42 60 06 1E CD 13 1F 07 61 FC 66 8B 45 F2 66 3D 00 56 62 72 75 3C 66 8B 45 FA 66 91 66 8B 47 FA 66 3B C8 72 2D 75 17 66 8B 45 F6 66 91 66 8B 47 F6 66 C1 E0 08 66 C1 E1 08 66 3B C8 72 14 60 8B F3 B8 00 04 2B F8 B9 00 01 F3 A5 61 66 A1 B0 07 EB A0 5B 66 8B 44 08 66 2D 00 0C 00 00 66 89 44 08 E9 34 FF 53 70 61 63 65 2F 52 65 74 75 72 6E 00 10 00 01 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 21 00 0C FE FF FF 20 00 00 00 E0 FF BF 01 80 FE FF FF 82 FE FF FF 00 00 C0 01 2E 17 1D 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 AA
Last edited by DavidCooper on Sat Apr 18, 2015 9:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Booting from USB drive (SOLVED)

Post by bigbob »

Thanks, David.
I read the wiki on MBR, but I just tested changing only the boot-flag in the MBR of the pen-drive and writing only my vbr.bin to the beginning of the partition (LBAbegin). It worked.
Of course, I can pass the LBAbegin to my VBR, If I use my custom-MBR.

It's a good idea to test it with someone else's MBR.
I am a Linux user and I didn't manage to find a hex editor that could import data from a text file (I tried several ones).
So, I had to write a python-script that does it.
Your MBR boots on my Dell D820 laptop (I saw e.g. "Space/Return" text in color), but on the netbook it doesn't.
I checked again the Boot-Sequence of the BIOS of the netbook and it was correct.

Anyway, it is not a bad result, to be able to boot from USB on two computers out of three :-)
Maybe I will never be able to figure out what the problem is.
EDIT: as you said, it's also possible that the netbook can't boot from USB. I haven't tried it yet.
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Re: Booting from USB drive (SOLVED)

Post by DavidCooper »

bigbob wrote: I am a Linux user and I didn't manage to find a hex editor that could import data from a text file (I tried several ones).
So, I had to write a python-script that does it.
Sorry about that - I should have provided a binary file as well. Thanks for daring to test it. By the way, it does actually use the BIOS to get key input rather than reading the PS/2 port directly - I changed it a couple of years ago but failed to update my notes to say so.
Your MBR boots on my Dell D820 laptop (I saw e.g. "Space/Return" text in color), but on the netbook it doesn't.
You should only see the "Space/Return" message if it's booting my special multi-floppy partition, so I'm guessing you retained my partition data, or at least the value that gives the partition type (I use the value for CP/M since it's unlikely that anyone would ever use a CP/M partition on a drive alongside my OS). ["Space" loads the newest version; "Return" loads from the first subpartition. If there are four bootable partitions, you press 1, 2, 3 or 4 to choose which to boot from, and then if you choose a multi-floppy partition you get the Space/Return option.]
I checked again the Boot-Sequence of the BIOS of the netbook and it was correct.
You may just have an unusually awkward machine. Mine won't boot from USB if they're being booted up after hibernating so I have to shut Windows right down first. That won't be the issue on your machine, but it does show that there is at least one hidden setting somewhere that can make the BIOS ignore a USB device if Windows decides to be unhelpful.
Anyway, it is not a bad result, to be able to boot from USB on two computers out of three :-)
Maybe I will never be able to figure out what the problem is.
EDIT: as you said, it's also possible that the netbook can't boot from USB. I haven't tried it yet.
It's disappointing when a machine can't be used this way - you really need to test them straight away after buying them and send them back if they won't boot via USB, letting the seller know your reason why - the information might find its way back to the manufacturer and that would maybe give them a kick up the backside. Also, find somewhere to review the machine online and complain there about it.

It would be worth trying booting from a USB floppy drive and a USB CD drive too though, just to see if it's a complete lock out. If it can, it might be worth going on trying to find a way round the barrier, but otherwise it's probably a dead loss, although one possible fix if you're determined to use your OS on an unhelpful machine would be to hack the MBR on the internal drive and hope Windows doesn't keep undoing your modifications. You could then load your own multiboot code from a spare sector or two to offer to boot from any drive that the BIOS has numbered, though I suppose it's possible that the MBR on the internal drive might be ignored too.

What we really really need at OSDEV is a list of machines that are OSDEV friendly and a list of machines that aren't - that would help people select new machines, and it would be particularly helpful if they're thinking of buying some of the newer types that might not have a BIOS in them at all.
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