I'm trying to use the watcom assembler to output a simple assembly file. I can see it print the info on the console along with line numbers, and shows no warnings or errors. Yes, I've defined -of=<filename>, but it doesn't produce any file. I don't know what to put at this point. It just won't output anything no matter the effin parameters. This is really starting to make me frustrated.
The command is this:
And here's the code:
Code: Select all
extern _main:near
INITSEG segment 'CODE'
org 0
; We'll be @ 0x8000, so be sure to make things be like that
mov ax, 0x800
mov cs, ax
mov ds, ax
;mov fs, ax
mov es, ax
call _main
mov si, fatal
call print
jmp .nein
test al, al
jz .end
mov ah, 0xa
int 0x10
fatal db "Returned from main(). Halting", 0
I've looked at wasm.exe through process explorer and now I see it's just deleting the object file for no reason. Why would it even do that?