i never used Bochs or Qemu, but starting with VBE version 2.0, VESA will no longer define new VESA mode
numbers and it will no longer be mandatory to support these old mode numbers.
And so we have to get the modenumber from the modetable that comes within the VBE bios.
Code: Select all
RES_X = 1920 ; horizontal resolution
RES_Y = 1200 ; vertical resolution
VBEINFO DB 512 dup (0) ; Buffer for VBE 4F00 Vbe Info Block
MODEINFO DB 256 dup (0) ; Buffer for VBE 4F01 Mode Info Block
mov ax, @DATA ; segment address of the data segment
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov di, OFFSET VBEINFO ; get the Vbe Info Block
mov ax, 4F00h ; es:di 512 byte
int 10h : Function 00h - Return VBE Controller Information
cmp ax, 4Fh
jnz ERROR ; need instructions for output an Error message + terminate program
mov dl, [di+5] ; major version number of VBE
cmp dl, 2 ; version 2?
; Get the VBE modenumber from the VBE modetable
lfs si, [di+0Eh] ; VbeFarPtr to VideoModeList
GETMode: mov cx, fs:[si] ; get the mode number
add si, 2
cmp cx, 0FFFFh ; end of modelist ?
add cx, 4000h ; mode number + linear acess
mov ax, 4F01h ; get the Mode Info Block
int 10h ; Function 01h - Return VBE Mode Information
cmp ax, 4Fh
; Now we have to find the mode number wich operate with our desired resolution
cmp WORD PTR[di+12h], RES_X ; horizontal resolution in pixels
jnz GETMode
cmp WORD PTR[di+14h], RES_Y ; vertical resolution in pixels
jnz GETMode
cmp BYTE PTR[di+19h], 8 ; bits per pixel
jnz GETMode
test WORD PTR[di], 80h ; Linear frame buffer mode
jz GETMode
cmp DWORD PTR[di+28h], 0 ; physical address for flat memory frame buffer
jz GETMode
; Set the VBE mode
mov ax, 4F02h
mov bx, cx ; modenumber
int 10h
cmp ax, 4Fh
More details can be found inside of the public document "vbe3.pdf" from vesa.org (need register/login).
Some other usefull documents from vesa.org are: "EEDIDguideV1.pdf" and "EEDIDverifGuideRa.pdf".