QEMU Keyboard when using VNC?

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QEMU Keyboard when using VNC?

Post by jackman »

Because of the fact I frequently find myself at a Windows workstation, I do all of my OS programming over an SSH connection to my Linux box. To see what the system is doing, I have it configured to open a reverse VNC connection to my local machine.

From my makefile:

Code: Select all

run: kernel.bin
        qemu-system-i386 -kernel kernel.bin -vnc localhost:5500,reverse
So far, this is great, but now I don't know how to conveniently test interrupt handling without using the keyboard. So, my question is this:

When using VNC to view a QEMU VM, is the keyboard input forwarded to the virtual PS/2 port?

If so, I should be able to test interrupt handling on IRQ1. If not, I have two problems:

1. How do I get keyboard input to my kernel?
2. Is there a convenient way to test interrupt handling without first diddling with the keyboard?

If you're interested, my code is at https://github.com/jackmanlabs/barebones. Thanks.
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Re: QEMU Keyboard when using VNC?

Post by iansjack »

VNC just mirrors the screen of the remote computer and passes keystrokes and mouse events to it, just as if they happened locally. So QEMU should behave in exactly the same way that it would if you were sitting at the remote machine using a locally attached keyboard and mouse.
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