I also went ahead and implemented the 'Moving Forward' steps with success, this is great fun. However there is still one problem that I have been unable to solve: booting from cd rom on Qemu.
Whenever I try to boot from cd rom using the command
Code: Select all
qemu-system-i386 -cdrom build/myos.iso
Code: Select all
Booting from DVD/CD...
Boot failed: Could not read from CDROM (code 0009)
I have tried searching online for the error code 0009 but could not find it. Does anyone here know what this error code means and how I could resolve it?
Some more information which might help people help me:
To create the cd I execute the following commands:
Code: Select all
mkdir isodir
mkdir isodir/boot
cp myos.bin isodir/boot/myos.bin
mkdir isodir/boot/grub
cp ../grub.cfg isodir/boot/grub/grub.cfg
grub-mkrescue -o myos.iso isodir
Code: Select all
menuentry "myos"{
multiboot /boot/myos.bin