I've been trying to write a Master Boot Record (MBR) in the Netwide Assembler (NASM) for Intel's x86 architecture that saves a `memory map' on the 3.5" floppy disk it booted from. The data that will be written to the floppy is in the range R=[0x00_00_00, 0x16_7F_FF]. This `odd' range is because, to my knowledge, a 3.5" floppy disk consists of 0x16_80_00 bytes.
I designed it in such a way that the code only works once, because the MBR gets overwritten as well. I know this MBR gives no guarantee that it gives an accurate dump of the memory in R: this is because by the time or during the time a sector is being read, the data in the read sector or upcoming sectors may be changed.
I couldn't figure out how to read memory in range T=[0x10_00_00, 0x16_7F_FF]. As you can see, the normalized segment R's limit (absolute 0x16_80_00 <-> normalized segment 0x01_68_00:0) does not fit in a 16 bit register (my copy/write subroutine uses ES:BX - that `int ah=3' uses - to store this normalized segment).
If I run my MBR with Virtual Box (VBox), the printed arguments that will be passed to `int ah=3' match my expectations:
(underlined text are my annotations)the format is as follows:
ES cylinder/track head sector write_status
(numbers are all in hexadecimal)
FFC0 0038 0001 000D ok
FFE0 0038 0001 000E ok
overflow ES overflows
0000 0038 0001 000F ok
67C0 004F 0001 0011 ok <- `67C0' should be `01 67C0' but ES is 16bit so that won't fit
67E0 004F 0001 0012 ok
What I want to know is two things:
- Is it useful to try fix my 16bit overflow problem?
- Or should I ignore the 16bit overflow and use range T rather than R?
Host Environment
I'm running Windows 8.1 64bit and developing my MBR in Vi IMproved (VIM) using Cygwin 64bit. I use GNU Make to build my project. I use disk dump (dd) to create the floppy image and put the binaries into the final image that I run through VBox.
Source code
Code: Select all
.PHONY: clean
mmcpy.img: mmcpy.flp mmcpy.bin
cp mmcpy.flp mmcpy.img
dd if=mmcpy.bin of=mmcpy.img conv=notrunc
dd if=/dev/zero of=mmcpy.flp bs=1K count=1440
mmcpy.bin: mmcpy.s
nasm -f bin -o mmcpy.bin mmcpy.s
rm -f mmcpy.img mmcpy.flp mmcpy.bin
sha1: e62dc54a02676bdad32a8251f830954e668074cf
md5: f9894126b5f70ce692f48012a227210e