Knowing English is one important thing you should try working on, and the other is to make it a habit for yourself to both look around (it's quite obvious you neglected the forum rules, or you didn't understand them) and to look things up before you ask a question.
Tanzadeh (corrected) wrote:Can I use C# or Java to write a kernel?
There's quite some literature on
Languages. For most people, the answer to this question is basically "no".
if I can't, how can I use C?
See the
If I have this C program, can I boot it with grub?
No, the reason being that you include stdio, which depends on an existing OS's features.
What about Golang? Can I write a Kernel using golang
See your first question. It's likely more difficult than C, but much easier than bytecode languages.
My apologies for any writing errors. I'm not very good at English, My first Language is Persian, and I'm only 13 years old.
It's far from hopeless, but I fixed it for you anyway.