I'm using Visual Studio 2012 (MS C++ 11) so I'm trying to follow the Microsoft x64 calling convention. I'm using these MSDN resources here and here.
I can return a single value by returning it in RAX, however I'm trying to return two values. Here is an example in C++ of what I'm trying to do:
Code: Select all
struct value {
uint64_t type;
uint64_t data;
value do_something() {
value v;
v.type = 10; // unsigned integer
v.data = 0xDEADBEEFDEADBEEF; // dead beef
return v;
int call_do_something() {
value v = do_something();
return 0;
The callee:
Code: Select all
value do_something() {
000000013F71A6A0 mov qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx
000000013F71A6A5 push rsi
000000013F71A6A6 push rdi
000000013F71A6A7 sub rsp,58h
000000013F71A6AB mov rdi,rsp
000000013F71A6AE mov ecx,16h
000000013F71A6B3 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
000000013F71A6B8 rep stos dword ptr [rdi]
000000013F71A6BA mov rcx,qword ptr [rsp+70h]
value v;
v.type = 10; // unsigned integer
000000013F71A6BF mov qword ptr [v],0Ah
v.data = 0xDEADBEEFDEADBEEF; // dead beef
000000013F71A6C8 mov rax,0DEADBEEFDEADBEEFh
000000013F71A6D2 mov qword ptr [rsp+30h],rax
return v;
000000013F71A6D7 lea rax,[v]
000000013F71A6DC mov rdi,qword ptr [rsp+70h]
000000013F71A6E1 mov rsi,rax
000000013F71A6E4 mov ecx,10h
000000013F71A6E9 rep movs byte ptr [rdi],byte ptr [rsi]
000000013F71A6EB mov rax,qword ptr [rsp+70h]
000000013F71A6F0 mov rdi,rax
000000013F71A6F3 mov rcx,rsp
000000013F71A6F6 lea rdx,[string L"(size & (size - 1)) "...+8428h (013F72F608h)]
000000013F71A6FD call _RTC_CheckStackVars (013F71AF60h)
000000013F71A702 mov rax,rdi
000000013F71A705 add rsp,58h
000000013F71A709 pop rdi
000000013F71A70A pop rsi
000000013F71A70B ret
Code: Select all
int call_do_something() {
000000013F52A720 push rsi
000000013F52A722 push rdi
000000013F52A723 sub rsp,78h
000000013F52A727 mov rdi,rsp
000000013F52A72A mov ecx,1Eh
000000013F52A72F mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
000000013F52A734 rep stos dword ptr [rdi]
value v = do_something();
000000013F52A736 lea rcx,[rsp+58h]
000000013F52A73B call do_something (013F4E164Fh)
000000013F52A740 lea rcx,[rsp+48h]
000000013F52A745 mov rdi,rcx
000000013F52A748 mov rsi,rax
000000013F52A74B mov ecx,10h
000000013F52A750 rep movs byte ptr [rdi],byte ptr [rsi]
000000013F52A752 lea rax,[v]
000000013F52A757 lea rcx,[rsp+48h]
000000013F52A75C mov rdi,rax
000000013F52A75F mov rsi,rcx
000000013F52A762 mov ecx,10h
000000013F52A767 rep movs byte ptr [rdi],byte ptr [rsi]
return 0;
000000013F52A769 xor eax,eax
000000013F52A76B mov edi,eax
000000013F52A76D mov rcx,rsp
000000013F52A770 lea rdx,[string L"(size & (size - 1)) "...+84C0h (013F53F6A0h)]
000000013F52A777 call _RTC_CheckStackVars (013F52AF60h)
000000013F52A77C mov eax,edi
000000013F52A77E add rsp,78h
000000013F52A782 pop rdi
000000013F52A783 pop rsi
000000013F52A784 ret
If I'm reading this correctly - the callee copies the struct to into the top of the local stack, and shrinks it's stack back down to all but the struct size, and the caller then copies that temporary struct into it's own stack, and shrinks the stack again. Am I interpreting this correctly?
That seems a little heavy, compared to simply returning the values in rax/rbx, so may wrap JIT<->native calls in a thunk.