I wish to have a choice which resolution and wich refreshrate to be used and for to put it into a profile for starting, example if there is a VBE version 3 Bios aviable. And then start a test with that choosen resolution and with a click box shown on the screen for to confirm this resolution and with a countdown timer for to go back to a more stable resolution if the choosen resolution fails. But if we confirm then we can put it in a profile for storing and for to start next times with a profile.Brendan wrote: Mostly what I'm saying here is that if you can't get EDID from the monitor it should still be safe to use the "safe mode timings", which includes any video modes where the horizontal resolution is 320, 360, 640 or 720 and the vertical resolution is anything from 200 to 240 or from 400 to 480, regardless of number of colours.
Example in the past i used my MSI Geforce 4 TI 4200(AGPx4; 64MB) together with a 20"CRT monitor that i had found in the street in a bulk of trash. At the backside of the monitor there was only 5 BNC connectors for a BNC-cable (but with no DDC for to get the EDID).
Starting the PC with that monitor in textmode 3 or with trying do use a resolution of 800x600 or 640x480, the monitor shows only flimmer effects. But with a higher resolution like 1024x768@100hz,1600x1200@85hz, 2048x1536@60hz, the monitor shows the content of the deskop screen and also with switching into a VBE 3 mode with own CRT-parameter for those higher resolutions.