A little while back I was trying to read floppies by dropping back to real mode and using BIOS; now I'm trying an FDC mini-driver.
Code: Select all
;Set up the DMA
mov al, #0x06
outb 0x0A, al ;Mask DMA channel 2 (FDC)
mov al, #0xFF
outb 0x0C, al ;Reset the flip-flop
mov ax, #0x6000
outb 0x04, al ;Set the base address
mov al, ah
outb 0x04, al
mov al, #0xFF
outb 0x0C, al ;Reset the flip-flop
mov ax, #0x23FF
outb 0x05, al ;Set the byte count (512 bytes = 1 sector)
mov al, ah
outb 0x05, al
mov al, #0x00
outb 0x81, al ;Highest byte of base address
mov al, #0x46
outb 0x0B, al ;Set mode for reading
mov al, #0x02
outb 0x0A, al ;Unmask DMA channel 2
;Set up the FDC
mov ax, #0x0008
mov ds, ax
mov [510], #0x41
mov [511], #0x71
call initmessage
mov al, #0x13
call sendcommand ;Send configure command (this one is required to confirm the state of drive polling mode)
mov al, #0x00
call sendcommand ;Send 0 parameter
mov al, #0x47
call sendcommand ;Send options (Implied Seek, FIFO Threshold = 8)
mov al, #0x00
call sendcommand ;Send precompensation (0 = Default)
call progressmessage
call preparewaitirq
mov al, #0x0C
mov dx, #0x03F2
outb dx, al ;Set DOR (Drive 0, Motor 0 off, use IRQ/DMA)
mov al, #0x80
mov dx, #0x03F4
outb dx, al ;Set DSR (1.44 MB, Reset)
call progressmessage
call waitirq
call progressmessage
mov al, #0x08
call sendcommand ;Send sense interrupt (required after reset)
call getresult ;Dump result byte 1
call getresult ;Dump result byte 2
call progressmessage
mov al, #0x08
call sendcommand ;Send sense interrupt (required after reset)
call getresult ;Dump result byte 1
call getresult ;Dump result byte 2
call progressmessage
mov al, #0x08
call sendcommand ;Send sense interrupt (required after reset)
call getresult ;Dump result byte 1
call getresult ;Dump result byte 2
call progressmessage
mov al, #0x08
call sendcommand ;Send sense interrupt (required after reset)
call getresult ;Dump result byte 1
call getresult ;Dump result byte 2
call progressmessage
mov al, #0x13
call sendcommand ;Send configure command (this is the one we actually want)
mov al, #0x00
call sendcommand ;Send parameter 1 (always 0)
mov al, #0x47
call sendcommand ;Send parameter 2 (Implied Seek, FIFO Threshold = 8)
mov al, #0x00
call sendcommand ;Send parameter 3 (precompensation; 0 = Default)
call progressmessage
mov al, #0x00
mov dx, #0x03F4
outb dx, al ;Set DSR (1.44 MB)
call progressmessage
mov al, #0x03
call sendcommand ;Send specify command
mov al, #0x8F
call sendcommand ;Send parameter 1 (SRT = 8ms, HUT = 240ms)
mov al, #0x0A
call sendcommand ;Send parameter 2 (HLT = 10ms, NDMA off = use DMA)
call progressmessage
mov al, #0x1C
mov dx, #0x03F2
outb dx, al ;Set DOR (Drive 0, Motor 0 on, use IRQ/DMA)
call progressmessage
;Read the sector
mov ax, #0x0050
mov ds, ax
mov al, #0x00
mov [1], al
mov al, [1]
cmp al, #0x0F ;0x0A
jnz waittimer
call progressmessage
;call preparewaitirq
;mov al, #0x0F
;call sendcommand ;Send seek command
;mov al, #0x00
;call sendcommand ;Send parameter 1 (H << 2 | D - must match current drive selection in DOR)
;mov al, #0x4F
;call sendcommand ;Send parameter 2 (Track)
;call progressmessage
;call waitirq
;call progressmessage
;mov al, #0x08
;call sendcommand ;Send sense interrupt (required after seek)
;call getresult ;Dump result byte 1
;call getresult ;Dump result byte 2
;call progressmessage
;call preparewaitirq
;mov al, #0x0F
;call sendcommand ;Send seek command
;mov al, #0x00
;call sendcommand ;Send parameter 1 (H << 2 | D - must match current drive selection in DOR)
;mov al, #0x00
;call sendcommand ;Send parameter 2 (Track)
;call progressmessage
;call waitirq
;call progressmessage
;mov al, #0x08
;call sendcommand ;Send sense interrupt (required after seek)
;call getresult ;Dump result byte 1
;call getresult ;Dump result byte 2
;call progressmessage
call preparewaitirq
mov al, #0x46
call sendcommand ;Send read command (with MFM bit)
mov al, #0x00
call sendcommand ;Send parameter 1 (H << 2 | D - must match current drive selection in DOR)
mov al, #0x00
call sendcommand ;Send parameter 2 (Track)
mov al, #0x00
call sendcommand ;Send parameter 3 (H - must match previous H)
mov al, #0x01
call sendcommand ;Send parameter 4 (Start Sector)
mov al, #0x02
call sendcommand ;Send parameter 5 (Bytes per sector; 2 = 512)
mov al, #0x12
call sendcommand ;Send parameter 6 (Number of sectors)
mov al, #0x1B
call sendcommand ;Send parameter 7 (Gap size; 1B = default for 3 1/2 inch drive)
mov al, #0xFF
call sendcommand ;Send parameter 8 (always FF)
call progressmessage
call waitirq
call progressmessage
call getresult ;Dump result byte 1
call getresult ;Dump result byte 2
call getresult ;Dump result byte 3
call getresult ;Dump result byte 4
call getresult ;Dump result byte 5
call getresult ;Dump result byte 6
call getresult ;Dump result byte 7
call progressmessage
;Turn the motor off
mov al, #0x0C
mov dx, #0x03F2
outb dx, al ;Set DOR (Drive 0, Motor 0 off, use IRQ/DMA)
call progressmessage
;Disable interrupts (the caller probably assumes that we will leave interrupts as we found them)
;Restore previous interrupt mask
pop ax
outb #0xA1, al
pop ax
outb #0x21, al
call progressmessage
;Pop registers
pop ax
mov gs, ax
pop ax
mov fs, ax
pop ax
mov es, ax
pop ax
mov ds, ax
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
;Subroutine to prepare for waiting for an IRQ 6
push ax
mov ax, ds
push ax
mov ax, #0x0050
mov ds, ax
mov al, #0x01
mov [0], al ;Set the IRQ 38 (FDC IRQ) flag
pop ax
mov ds, ax
pop ax
;Subroutine to wait for an IRQ 6
push ax
mov ax, ds
push ax
mov ax, #0x0008
mov ds, ax
mov [600], #0x41
mov [601], #0x71
mov ax, #0x0050
mov ds, ax
mov al, [0]
cmp al, #0x00
jnz waitloop
pop ax
mov ds, ax
pop ax
;Subroutine to send the byte in register al to the FDC (handles RQM and all that)
push dx
push ax
mov ax, ds
push ax
mov ax, #0x0008
mov ds, ax
mov [600], #0x42
mov [601], #0x71
mov dx, #0x03F4
inb al, dx
and al, #0x80
cmp al, #0x00
pop ax
mov ds, ax
pop ax
pop dx
jz sendcommand
push dx
mov dx, #0x03F5
outb dx, al
pop dx
;Subroutine to return a result byte from a command in register al (handles RQM and all that)
push dx
push ax
mov dx, #0x03F4
inb al, dx
and al, #0x80
cmp al, #0x00
pop ax
pop dx
jz getresult
push dx
mov dx, #0x03F5
inb al, dx
pop dx
push ax
mov ax, ds
push ax
mov ax, #0x0008
mov ds, ax
mov [500], #0x41
mov [501], #0x71
pop ax
mov ds, ax
pop ax
push ax
mov ax, ds
push ax
mov ax, #0x0008
mov ds, ax
mov al, [500]
inc al
mov [500], al
mov [501], #0x71
pop ax
mov ds, ax
pop ax
Anyway, the problem is that when I run this on Bochs and Qemu it works, but on real hardware it runs without crashing but it doesn't return the data.
Any ideas? I've compared the code to a few tutorials and checked it against documentation but it's still not working.