Heap Tutorial/Implementation

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Heap Tutorial/Implementation

Post by Pancakes »

I wanted to add a simple heap implementation to the Wiki to help people see how a heap can be implemented with out doing so much research and digging. This would effectively decrease the amount of time required through research and experimentation which in my opinion is the ultimate goal of a resource for doing operating system (or embedded) development.

But, I am not sure where to put it or where to link it?
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Re: Heap Tutorial/Implementation

Post by Combuster »

Heap is empty, so I would think that's the best place to start altogether.
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Re: Heap Tutorial/Implementation

Post by Bender »

I wanted to add a simple heap implementation to the Wiki to help people see how a heap can be implemented with out doing so much research and digging. This would effectively decrease the amount of time required through research and experimentation which in my opinion is the ultimate goal of a resource for doing operating system (or embedded) development.

But, I am not sure where to put it or where to link it?
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Re: Heap Tutorial/Implementation

Post by Pancakes »

Okay, I basically branched between[http://wiki.osdev.org/Memory_management] and [http://wiki.osdev.org/Heap]. I added a snippet on both pages trying to direct the reader to the more appropriate design for what they are looking for.

I am not sure what to do on the main page. If we even need to make an entry in the for heap stuff, or even somehow kind of branch it right there helping to separate the pages out.

But, just an idea. You know my idea may not be the best so looking for some feedback.
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