So I went back to my timer code to change up a few things. I had it written so that I had to insert sti to manage the IF flag for my hardware interrupts. I wanted it to clear automatically so I threw it in my assembly. I ran into one problem though, this caused a GPF with my timer! I dug around and found James' tut dealt with this virtually the same way. I even went so far as to near mimic his code to the point that the only difference that I could think of is that I have name mangling and no pre-processing which I'm 100% sure (hopefully not wrong - yey cpp?) has nothing to do with it.. Maybe I'm being stupid, but could someone JUST throw me a hint. I'm close its just I think I'm missing something so small that I'll be banging my head on the nearest wall for a week.
UPDATE: Got it! Head banging time