Reboot in Protected Mode
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Reboot in Protected Mode
I have almost finished transfering my OS from real mode to 32-bit protected mode. Well.. I ran into a problem when trying to reboot, by jumping to FFFF:0000. Does anybody know how to quickly reboot in Protected Mode? (Not transfer back into real mode, and reboot).
- smiddy
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Re: Reboot in Protected Mode
My recommendation is to use debug or GRDB and follow the jump to determine how the BIOS is doing it. My BIOS:
BX = 4EE5
So without knowing those ports I'm lost. And it appears to want to return somewhere...but I'm new to this so again I'm lost. I'll assemble this code and see what it does
[Edited] PCI port???
Code: Select all
->u ffff:0000
FFFF:0000 EA 5B E0 00 F0 jmp F000:E05B
->u f000:e05b
F000:E05B E9 80 51 jmp 31DE
->u f000:31de
F000:31DE FA cli
F000:31DF 0F 20 C1 mov ecx,CR0
F000:31E2 66 81 E1 D1 FF and ecx,7FFAFFD1
F000:31E9 0F 22 C1 mov CR0,ecx
F000:31EC 66 33 C9 xor ecx,ecx
F000:31EF 0F 22 D9 mov CR3,ecx
F000:31F2 E9 E9 D3 jmp 05DE
->u f000:05de
F000:05DE 66 0F CA bswap edx
F000:05E1 66 0F CE bswap esi
F000:05E4 8B CB mov cx,bx
F000:05E6 66 C1 E1 10 shl ecx,10
F000:05EA B0 E6 mov al,00E6
F000:05EC BB F2 05 mov bx,05F2
F000:05EF E9 F4 46 jmp 4CE6
->u f000:4ce6
F000:4CE6 E9 C7 01 jmp 4EB0
->u f000:4eb0
F000:4EB0 66 8B F8 mov edi,eax
F000:4EB3 32 E4 xor ah,ah
F000:4EB5 66 C1 C8 0B ror eax,0B
F000:4EB9 2E A0 2C 6E mov al,cs:[6E2C]
F000:4EBD 66 C1 C8 05 ror eax,05
F000:4EC1 B8 00 80 mov ax,8000
F000:4EC4 66 C1 C8 10 ror eax,10
F000:4EC8 24 FC and al,00FC
F000:4ECA BA F8 0C mov dx,0CF8
F000:4ECD 66 EF out dx,eax
F000:4ECF 66 8B C7 mov eax,edi
F000:4ED2 8A D0 mov dl,al
F000:4ED4 80 CA FC or dl,00FC
F000:4ED7 ED in ax,dx
F000:4ED8 8B D7 mov dx,di
F000:4EDA FF E3 jmp bx
F000:4EDC 53 push bx
F000:4EDD 56 push si
F000:4EDE 66 57 push edi
F000:4EE0 BB E5 4E mov bx,4EE5
F000:4EE3 EB 05 jmp 4EEA
->u f000:4eea
F000:4EEA 66 8B F8 mov edi,eax
F000:4EED 8B F2 mov si,dx
F000:4EEF 8B C2 mov ax,dx
F000:4EF1 32 E4 xor ah,ah
F000:4EF3 66 C1 C8 0B ror eax,0B
F000:4EF7 2E A0 2C 6E mov al,cs:[6E2C]
F000:4EFB 66 C1 C8 05 ror eax,05
F000:4EFF B8 00 80 mov ax,8000
F000:4F02 66 C1 C8 10 ror eax,10
F000:4F06 24 FC and al,00FC
F000:4F08 BA F8 0C mov dx,0CF8
F000:4F0B 66 EF out dx,eax
F000:4F0D 8B C6 mov ax,si
F000:4F0F 8A D0 mov dl,al
F000:4F11 66 8B C7 mov eax,edi
F000:4F14 80 CA FC or dl,00FC
F000:4F17 EF out dx,ax
F000:4F18 8B D6 mov dx,si
F000:4F1A FF E3 jmp bx
Code: Select all
F000:4EE5 66 5F pop edi
F000:4EE7 5E pop si
F000:4EE8 5B pop bx
F000:4EE9 C3 ret
[Edited] PCI port???
Re: Reboot in Protected Mode
Try tripple falt. For an example, remove idt table and then call some interrupt. You are garanteed a triple falt and a reboot.ComputerPsi wrote:I have almost finished transfering my OS from real mode to 32-bit protected mode. Well.. I ran into a problem when trying to reboot, by jumping to FFFF:0000. Does anybody know how to quickly reboot in Protected Mode? (Not transfer back into real mode, and reboot).

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- Posts: 83
- Joined: Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:00 pm
Re: Reboot in Protected Mode
hm.. well... (I'm a bit new to pmode).. how do you remove the IDT? Just load a false IDT, or is there some way of removing it?
Anything is possible if you put your mind to it.
Re: Reboot in Protected Mode
set the IDT limit to 0 and leave the IRQs enabled
this will tripple-fault but not all systems will reboot on tripple-fault
better way is to hit the internal reset switch tied to the
keyboard controller (it should still work anyway)
I dont remember how to do this -- unless they removed it on newer boards?
or you can switch to rm and JMP F000:FFF0
by the way: disassembling this will NOT tell you how
to reboot since this is where the computer STARTS
and if the code at this location rebooted the computer
it could never start -- it would be an infinite loop
this will tripple-fault but not all systems will reboot on tripple-fault
better way is to hit the internal reset switch tied to the
keyboard controller (it should still work anyway)
I dont remember how to do this -- unless they removed it on newer boards?
or you can switch to rm and JMP F000:FFF0
by the way: disassembling this will NOT tell you how
to reboot since this is where the computer STARTS
and if the code at this location rebooted the computer
it could never start -- it would be an infinite loop
Re: Reboot in Protected Mode
The code I have is:
asm("cli"); //not sure if this is necessary
outportb(0x64, 0xFE); //restarts computer
asm("cli"); //not sure if this is necessary
outportb(0x64, 0xFE); //restarts computer
Re: Reboot in Protected Mode
if u look at linux code u can find an interesting trick that work most of the time
i think its cleaner than generating a triple fault or deleting IDT ;D
Code: Select all
;Forcing reboot with keyb controller ;)
IN AL, 0x64
TEST AL, 0x02
OUT 0x64, AL
i think its cleaner than generating a triple fault or deleting IDT ;D
There are 10 types of people in this world... those that understand binary, and those that don't.
There are 10 types of people in this world... those that understand binary, and those that don't.
Re: Reboot in Protected Mode
agread since the keyboard controller is tied directly to
the system reset line it can truely reset it
the tripple-fault doesnt actually reset (afaik)
both the last 2 codes do the same thing (except bit 1 is set in the linux example)
and the "cli" is not needed since this actually pulls the
reset line forcing the CPU to completely restart (as if the power
had just been turned on)
this was first implemented for the 286 since it was the
only way to exit back to real mode and there was no vm
they also created a memory location in the bios data
area to store a magic which would tell the system that
it was restarting and should resume rather than reload
the OS but I can't remember how this works now but
its prob what win9x uses for "forced real mode"
which requires a true clean real mode rather than the dos
emulator it normaly uses and then reboots straight to get back
the system reset line it can truely reset it
the tripple-fault doesnt actually reset (afaik)
both the last 2 codes do the same thing (except bit 1 is set in the linux example)
and the "cli" is not needed since this actually pulls the
reset line forcing the CPU to completely restart (as if the power
had just been turned on)
this was first implemented for the 286 since it was the
only way to exit back to real mode and there was no vm
they also created a memory location in the bios data
area to store a magic which would tell the system that
it was restarting and should resume rather than reload
the OS but I can't remember how this works now but
its prob what win9x uses for "forced real mode"
which requires a true clean real mode rather than the dos
emulator it normaly uses and then reboots straight to get back