Can I print text to screen by my custom font in real mode? I don't want to use that
ugly stupid BIOS-like-font, I like the Ubuntu-Terminal Font, Wanted to port it but I want to
access the BIOS calls along with the ubuntu font, (I am too lazy to implement drivers and stuff)
I know this is ridiculous but still I want to access BIOS calls in 2013.
Alright(I think) since that 80x25 text mode doesn't support fonts I guess using INT 0x10 to
switch it to a different mode like :
Code: Select all
mov ah,0x9
int 0x10
Do I have to implement a special Video-Driver or BIOS Calls would be enough?
I read this post on the wiki but my head goes crazy :
How do I use that? It says indi, Isn't that a seg-reg?
Can somebody explain me what does all that mean and how to use them, ?
And do I have to modify my print_string functions?
I am very sorry for asking this stupid question, but can someone explain me how to do that?, like what I need to first implement
BTW I am in 80x25 text mode, and my print_string uses the 0x10 Teletype Function (AH=0EH)