sid123 wrote:All in vain friend, nothing achieved,
Basically then bootload.bin is in the First Sector Right?
So I want to view the boot sector, (I think Windows or Any OS doesnot show the boot sector)
I really can't understand this,
I formatted the Virtual Floppy, But QEMU says on bootload (I copied all the files normally as MikeOS Builder Does)
Please Remove any Disks or Media
Press a Key to Restart...........
I am getting the impression that you didn't read any of the information on his website. A simple search on his website took me here :
His basic Booloader code is there. You just have to learn assembly to add the rest so you can load another file.
EDIT UPDATE : I just checked his front page :
ALL of his source code is in one nice handy ZIP file. Do your research.
In his BOOTLOADER.ASM file that is in his ZIP file show this....
Code: Select all
kern_filename db "KERNEL BIN" ; MikeOS kernel filename
disk_error db "Floppy error! Press any key...", 0
file_not_found db "KERNEL.BIN not found!", 0
That will help you.
OH and just in case you didn't get it.. the BOOTLOAD.ASM compiles into the 512 byte BOOTLOAD.BIN file which IS the boot that you need to startup the kernel. It should be 512 Bytes total. If its not, then your doing something wrong. Also If you change the name of KERNEL.BIN to your own custom name and your own KERNEL file, make sure it is spaced out correctly. 8 bytes + 3 = 11.
8 Bytes = Name of File
3 = Extension name of file, which in this case is BIN.
Look at how he spaced it. EXAMPLE : I named mine KERNEL32.SYS = 11. The . ( Period ) doesn't count.
Also his bootloader shows this :
Code: Select all
jmp 2000h:0000h ; Jump to entry point of loaded kernel!
Make sure your file knows where it itself is at in memory.