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go down to the C code example with the heading "Reading All RTC Time and Date Registers". Now look at the do-while loop which contains the comment "This uses the "read registers until you get the same values twice in a row". Is the condition in the do-while loop not wrong? instead of
But the comment in the code is "This uses the "read registers until you get the same values twice in a row" - emphasis mine. Surely reading the same values twice means it has stabilised.
Every universe of discourse has its logical structure --- S. K. Langer.
go down to the C code example with the heading "Reading All RTC Time and Date Registers". Now look at the do-while loop which contains the comment "This uses the "read registers until you get the same values twice in a row". Is the condition in the do-while loop not wrong?
It was wrong - I've changed it.
For all things; perfection is, and will always remain, impossible to achieve in practice. However; by striving for perfection we create things that are as perfect as practically possible. Let the pursuit of perfection be our guide.