Tested on Bochs-2.4.6 and Bochs-2.6.2, built from source, --enable-vbe and VGABIOS-lgpl-latest are in place. From my expirience, if code works wrong in Bochs, it's some trouble with code, not Bochs
Actual code:
Code: Select all
.org 0x7C00
.align 0
.globl _start
// 0x1000 = buffer for GetVBEInfo
xor %ax, %ax
mov %ax, %es
mov %ax, %ds
mov $0x1000, %di
movl $0x33454256, (%di) // "VBE3"
mov $0x4F00, %ax // GetVBEInfo
int $0x10 // Video interrupt
mov 0xE(%di), %si
// 0x2000 = buffer for GetVideoModeInfo
mov $0x2000, %di
// Cycle through video modes list
sub $2, %si
add $2, %si
mov (%si), %cx
cmp $0xFFFF, %cx // 0xFFFF = end of list
je .l3
mov $0x4F01, %ax // GetVideoModeInfo
int $0x10
// di+0 - attributes
// di+16 - bytes per scanline
// di+18 - xres
// di+20 - yres
// di+25 - bpp
// di+27 - memory model
// di+40 - linear fb addr
mov (%di), %bx // Get attributes word
and $0x90, %bx // Linear FB support?
cmp $0x90, %bx
jne .l1
mov 0x1B(%di), %bx // Mem model: 4 = packed pixel, 6 = direct color
cmp $4, %bx
je .l2
cmp $6, %bx
jne .l1
// Search for 800x600x16
mov 0x12(%di), %bx
cmp $800, %bx
jne .l1
mov 0x14(%di), %bx
cmp $600, %bx
jne .l1
mov 0x19(%di), %bl
cmp $16, %bl
jne .l1
// If mode found
cmp $0xFFFF, %cx
je .l4
// Then set it
mov $0x4F02, %ax // SetVideoMode
mov %cx, %bx
int $0x10
// Enable A20 line
inb $0x60, %al
or $2, %al
outb %al, $0x60
// Enable 32-bit Pmode (no paging)
mov %cr0, %eax
or $1, %eax
mov %eax, %cr0
lgdt gdtr
ljmp $0x08, $code32
mov $0x10, %ax
mov %ax, %es
mov %ax, %ds
cmp $0xFFFF, %cx
je .lh
// We are in VESA mode 800x600x16
// Let's draw!
mov 0x28(%di), %edi // Framebuffer address
// We will draw vertical lines gradient
// Color = X*81, so we will have 64800 colors from 65536 max
mov $81, %si
xor %bx, %bx
// Cycle through lines
xor %cx, %cx
// Cycle through pixels
mov %cx, %ax
mul %si // ax = ax*si
mov %ax, (%edi)
add $2, %edi
inc %cx
cmp $800, %cx
jne .lx
inc %bx
cmp $600, %bx
jne .ly
jmp .lh
.quad 0x0000000000000000
.quad 0x00CF9A000000FFFF // Code
.quad 0x00CF92000000FFFF // Data
.short 0x23, gdt // Limit and address
.org 0x7DFE
.word 0xAA55 // Floppy boot signature