Here is how the execution goes...
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s32int fork(u32int priority, u32int burst_time, char *task_Name)
asm volatile("cli");
// Take a pointer to this process' task struct for later reference.
task_t *parent_task;
parent_task = (task_t*)current_task;
u32int id = next_pid++;
task_t *task = (task_t*)kmalloc(sizeof(task_t));
task->id = id;
task->esp = task->ebp = 0;
task->eip = 0;
task->thread = 0;
task->thread_flags = 0;
strcpy(task->name, task_Name);
///////////////EVERTHING IS FINE UNTIL HERE///////////////
// Clone the address space.
page_directory_t *directory = clone_directory(current_directory);
task->page_directory = directory;
task->priority = priority;
task->time_to_run = 0;
task->time_running = 0;
task->ready_to_run = TRUE;
task->burst_time = burst_time;
task->averaged_priority = priority + burst_time;
task->next = 0;
// Add it to the end of the ready queue.
u32int eip = read_eip();
// We could be the parent or the child here - check.
if(current_task == parent_task) //we are the parent
// We are the parent, so set up the esp/ebp/eip for our child.
u32int esp; asm volatile("mov %%esp, %0" : "=r"(esp));
u32int ebp; asm volatile("mov %%ebp, %0" : "=r"(ebp));
task->esp = esp;
task->ebp = ebp;
task->eip = eip;
// All finished: Reenable interrupts.
asm volatile("sti");
// And by convention return the PID of the child.
return task->id;
}else{ //we are the child
// We are the child - by convention return 0.
return 0;
asm volatile("sti");
return id;
Here is the clone table...
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static page_table_t *clone_table(page_table_t *src, u32int *physAddr)
// Make a new page table, which is page aligned.
page_table_t *table = (page_table_t*)kmalloc_ap(sizeof(page_table_t), physAddr);
// Ensure that the new table is blank.
memset((u8int*)table, 0, sizeof(page_directory_t));
// For every entry in the table...
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
// If the source entry has a frame associated with it...
if (!src->pages[i].frame)
// Get a new frame.
alloc_frame(&table->pages[i], 0, 0);
// Clone the flags from source to destination.
if(src->pages[i].present) table->pages[i].present = 1;
if(src->pages[i].rw) table->pages[i].rw = 1;
if(src->pages[i].user) table->pages[i].user = 1;
if(src->pages[i].accessed)table->pages[i].accessed = 1;
if(src->pages[i].dirty) table->pages[i].dirty = 1;
// Physically copy the data across. This function is in process.asm
copy_page_physical(src->pages[i].frame*0x1000, table->pages[i].frame*0x1000);
return table;
Here is the code for where it triple faults, I added an ASSERT that checks the magic. With that my OS does not triple fault, but just asserts.
As the while loop looks for an open index that will be able to fit the data, it gets the the 8th. Since its magic is wiped, the error occurs.
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static s32int find_smallest_hole(u32int size, u8int page_align, heap_t *heap)
// Find the smallest hole that will fit.
u32int iterator = 0;
while(iterator < heap->index.size)
header_t *header = (header_t *)lookup_ordered_array(iterator, &heap->index);
//check if the magic number is valid
ASSERT(header->magic == HEAP_MAGIC);
// If the user has requested the memory be page-aligned
// Page-align the starting point of this header.
u32int location = (u32int)header;
s32int offset = 0;
if((location+sizeof(header_t)) & 0xFFFFF000 != 0)
offset = 0x1000 /* page size */ - (location + sizeof(header_t)) % 0x1000;
s32int hole_size = (s32int)header->size - offset;
// Can we fit now?
if(hole_size >= (s32int)size)
}else if(header->size >= size)
// Why did the loop exit?
if(iterator == heap->index.size)
return -1; // We got to the end and didn't find anything.
return iterator;
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void *alloc(u32int size, u8int page_align, heap_t *heap)
// Make sure we take the size of header/footer into account.
u32int new_size = size + sizeof(header_t) + sizeof(footer_t);
// Find the smallest hole that will fit.
s32int iterator = find_smallest_hole(new_size, page_align, heap);
if(iterator == -1) // If we didn't find a suitable hole
// Save some previous data.
u32int old_length = heap->end_address - heap->start_address;
u32int old_end_address = heap->end_address;
// We need to allocate some more space.
expand(old_length + new_size, heap);
//~ expand(0x4000000, heap);
u32int new_length = heap->end_address - heap->start_address;
// Find the endmost header. (Not endmost in size, but in location).
iterator = 0;
// Vars to hold the index of, and value of, the endmost header found so far.
u32int idx = -1; u32int value = 0x0;
while(iterator < heap->index.size)
u32int tmp = (u32int)lookup_ordered_array(iterator, &heap->index);
if (tmp > value)
value = tmp;
idx = iterator;
// If we didn't find ANY headers, we need to add one.
if(idx == -1)
header_t *header = (header_t *)old_end_address;
header->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
header->size = new_length - old_length;
header->is_hole = 1;
footer_t *footer = (footer_t *) (old_end_address + header->size - sizeof(footer_t));
footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
footer->header = header;
insert_ordered_array((void*)header, &heap->index);
// The last header needs adjusting.
header_t *header = lookup_ordered_array(idx, &heap->index);
header->size += new_length - old_length;
// Rewrite the footer.
footer_t *footer = (footer_t *)((u32int)header + header->size - sizeof(footer_t));
footer->header = header;
footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
// We now have enough space. Recurse, and call the function again.
return alloc(size, page_align, heap);
header_t *orig_hole_header = (header_t *)lookup_ordered_array(iterator, &heap->index);
u32int orig_hole_pos = (u32int)orig_hole_header;
u32int orig_hole_size = orig_hole_header->size;
// Here we work out if we should split the hole we found into two parts.
// Is the original hole size - requested hole size less than the overhead for adding a new hole?
if(orig_hole_size - new_size < sizeof(header_t) + sizeof(footer_t))
// Then just increase the requested size to the size of the hole we found.
size += orig_hole_size - new_size;
new_size = orig_hole_size;
// If we need to page-align the data, do it now and make a new hole in front of our block.
if(page_align && orig_hole_pos & 0xFFFFF000)
u32int new_location = orig_hole_pos + 0x1000 /* page size */ - (orig_hole_pos & 0xFFF) - sizeof(header_t);
header_t *hole_header = (header_t *)orig_hole_pos;
hole_header->size = 0x1000 /* page size */ - (orig_hole_pos & 0xFFF) - sizeof(header_t);
hole_header->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
hole_header->is_hole = 1;
footer_t *hole_footer = (footer_t *) ( (u32int)new_location - sizeof(footer_t) );
hole_footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
hole_footer->header = hole_header;
orig_hole_pos = new_location;
orig_hole_size = orig_hole_size - hole_header->size;
// Else we don't need this hole any more, delete it from the index.
remove_ordered_array(iterator, &heap->index);
// Overwrite the original header...
header_t *block_header = (header_t *)orig_hole_pos;
block_header->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
block_header->is_hole = 0;
block_header->size = new_size;
// ...And the footer
footer_t *block_footer = (footer_t *) (orig_hole_pos + sizeof(header_t) + size);
block_footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
block_footer->header = block_header;
// We may need to write a new hole after the allocated block.
// We do this only if the new hole would have positive size...
if(orig_hole_size - new_size > 0)
//Here is where the new index array is created
header_t *hole_header = (header_t *) (orig_hole_pos + sizeof(header_t) + size + sizeof(footer_t));
hole_header->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
hole_header->is_hole = 1;
hole_header->size = orig_hole_size - new_size;
footer_t *hole_footer = (footer_t *) ( (u32int)hole_header + orig_hole_size - new_size - sizeof(footer_t) );
if((u32int)hole_footer < heap->end_address)
hole_footer->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
hole_footer->header = hole_header;
// Put the new hole in the index;
insert_ordered_array((void*)hole_header, &heap->index);
// ...And we're done!
return (void *)((u32int)block_header + sizeof(header_t));
Thank you.