iansjack wrote:I'd advise you to get a book about Linux and learn the basics. It will make life much easier. This is not really the place to teach you how to change file permissions.
I know how to change permissions.
What exactly do I change the permissions on? I tried changing the permissions on the directory to which the loopback device was mounted... is this right? Because it still gets this result after doing "sudo chmod a+rwx OSDrive":
(when trying to copy file to loop device)
EDIT: Also I think the wiki article may be wrong.
Wikipedia wrote:
Sometimes, the loop device is erroneously referred to as 'loopback' device, but this term is reserved for a networking device in the Linux kernel (cf. loopback). The concept of the 'loop' device is distinct from that of 'loopback', although similar in name.
EDIT#2: Ok, I have fixed this. What I did was put this in fstab: (then I can just use "mount OSDrive" to mount it and it gives me ownership)
Code: Select all
/dev/loop0 /home/username/Programming/OS/OSDrive msdos noauto,user 0 0