I've set up interrupts and the PIC, and registered a custom handler to IRQ1.
The problem is, when I press a key it is echoed twice on the screen.
I've read through these for a quick solution, with no luck:
http://forum.osdev.org/viewtopic.php?f= ... 0&start=15
If this is a "key K was released" event, what can I do to ignore it, or at least differentiate between it and "key K was pressed" event?
Keyboard duplicates the input
Re: Keyboard duplicates the input
You get two interrupts - one for a keypress, and one for a key release. The release has bit seven of the scan code set, whilst the keypress has it clear.CocaCola wrote:Hello.
I've set up interrupts and the PIC, and registered a custom handler to IRQ1.
The problem is, when I press a key it is echoed twice on the screen.
I've read through these for a quick solution, with no luck:
http://forum.osdev.org/viewtopic.php?f= ... 0&start=15
If this is a "key K was released" event, what can I do to ignore it, or at least differentiate between it and "key K was pressed" event?