First, My english is not good. i can not write english good.
but i can reading english. so very very sorry.
not enable interrupt:
enable interrupt:
I am somehow generating General Protection Fault and interrupt 32 as soon as I invoke "sti" after setting up the IDT, ISR, and IRQ.
source is
if want to zip file?
/kernel/main.c - main
/kernel/tables.c - set gdt & tss & idt
/kernel/interrupt.c - interrupt handler
/kernel/isr.S - set ISR
set gdt & idt and executing sti!!! so interrupt error..
please feedback and Thank you so much!
General Protection Fault after loading IDT and executing sti
Re: General Protection Fault after loading IDT and executing
The "IRETW" instruction is intended for 16-bit code. For "IRETW" the CPU only loads 6 bytes from the stack (IP, FLAGS and CS).
Now imagine some CPL=0 code at 0x00012345 is running and an IRQ occurs. The CPU does the right thing and pushes 12 bytes of data on the stack, then the "IRETW" pops 16-bits into IP (causing the CPU to return to the wrong address - 0x2345 and not 0x00012345), and pops dodgy data into FLAGS (0x00001 left over from the other half of EIP), and loads dodgy data into CS (the first 16 bits of data from EFLAGS); and if this isn't enough only 6 bytes are taken from the stack (not 12) so the stack ends up broken too. With the stack broken, CS wrong, IP wrong and FLAGS wrong, there's 4 different ways the CPU can crash - most likely is that you'll get a General Protection Fault from IRETW itself.
You need to use "IRETD" (or just "IRET") instead of "IRETW".
Also note that there's no reason to do "pushfd" and "popfd" yourself, as the CPU already saves EFLAGS when it starts the interrupt and loads EFLAGS during IRET.
Finally, for some exceptions (page fault, general protection fault, etc) the CPU pushes an extra error code on the stack which needs to be manually removed by you (e.g. "add esp,4" just before IRET).
For 32-bit code (with 32-bit interrupt gates or 32-bit trap gates), when an interrupt occurs the CPU pushes 12 bytes of data (EIP, EFLAGS and CS zero extended to 32-bit), plus an error code for some exceptions.vivache30 wrote:please feedback and Thank you so much!
The "IRETW" instruction is intended for 16-bit code. For "IRETW" the CPU only loads 6 bytes from the stack (IP, FLAGS and CS).
Now imagine some CPL=0 code at 0x00012345 is running and an IRQ occurs. The CPU does the right thing and pushes 12 bytes of data on the stack, then the "IRETW" pops 16-bits into IP (causing the CPU to return to the wrong address - 0x2345 and not 0x00012345), and pops dodgy data into FLAGS (0x00001 left over from the other half of EIP), and loads dodgy data into CS (the first 16 bits of data from EFLAGS); and if this isn't enough only 6 bytes are taken from the stack (not 12) so the stack ends up broken too. With the stack broken, CS wrong, IP wrong and FLAGS wrong, there's 4 different ways the CPU can crash - most likely is that you'll get a General Protection Fault from IRETW itself.
You need to use "IRETD" (or just "IRET") instead of "IRETW".
Also note that there's no reason to do "pushfd" and "popfd" yourself, as the CPU already saves EFLAGS when it starts the interrupt and loads EFLAGS during IRET.
Finally, for some exceptions (page fault, general protection fault, etc) the CPU pushes an extra error code on the stack which needs to be manually removed by you (e.g. "add esp,4" just before IRET).
For all things; perfection is, and will always remain, impossible to achieve in practice. However; by striving for perfection we create things that are as perfect as practically possible. Let the pursuit of perfection be our guide.