Real machine vs bochs
Re: Real machine vs bochs
Dear Brendan
I have been going over this for a while now and still nothing promising. CHS (int 13 ah = 02h) also only works on bochs but not the real Laptop.
I have looked into your comment concerning a properly formatted USB and used Diskpart to properly clean, create partition, make it active and format and assign letter. Still not working ... The last thing was I dont set any value to the CS register. Its always left as is. you said that you needed to see the ORG value to determine the correct value for CS, I have tried to search for how does the CS and ORG work and I cant really find any thing ( all results talk about how to use the ORG as a place to load and padding and stuff). Any clarification would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much
I have been going over this for a while now and still nothing promising. CHS (int 13 ah = 02h) also only works on bochs but not the real Laptop.
I have looked into your comment concerning a properly formatted USB and used Diskpart to properly clean, create partition, make it active and format and assign letter. Still not working ... The last thing was I dont set any value to the CS register. Its always left as is. you said that you needed to see the ORG value to determine the correct value for CS, I have tried to search for how does the CS and ORG work and I cant really find any thing ( all results talk about how to use the ORG as a place to load and padding and stuff). Any clarification would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much
Re: Real machine vs bochs
The code should not assume it is invoked at 07C0:0000. Rather, to play it safe, it should only assume that it's loaded at linear address 7C00. To fix this problem, it should do a far jmp before accessing labels or variables like this:
Alternatively, if you want to keep the BPB: (make sure the jmp to Startup is a relative jmp, not an absolute, otherwise it will still break)
In case the assembler doesn't support the direct far jmp coding, you can do it with dbs and dws like this:
The above code uses MASM/WASM/TASM syntax. I leave it up to you to translate that to NASM if you use that.
Code: Select all
jmp 7C0h:main
Code: Select all
jmp Startup
; put BPB here
jmp 7C0h:main
Code: Select all
db 0EAh
dw OFFSET main
dw 7C0h
Re: Real machine vs bochs
Dear rdos
Thank you very much for your input. However, I have tried everything you mentioned but still no luck. Can you please take a look at the code and tell me if there is anything I am missing ( btw, the code with and before your modifications work great on bochs, but still only boots the laptop but doesnt load the second stage for some reason)
Here is the complete code and setup
Second Stage is found in sector 528 and 529 (Decimal) in the USB. This has been confirmed using HxD. (Please see attached picture to confirm I am using the correct addressing)
At this point I have abandoned any attempts for reading FAT and Root and looking for the file and stuff (excuse me for the stupid code) I just need to be able to load ANYTHING in to the laptops RAM beyond what the BIOS does for me by loading the boot sector. Please take a look and let me know.
Thank you very much for your help
Thank you very much for your input. However, I have tried everything you mentioned but still no luck. Can you please take a look at the code and tell me if there is anything I am missing ( btw, the code with and before your modifications work great on bochs, but still only boots the laptop but doesnt load the second stage for some reason)
Here is the complete code and setup
Code: Select all
[bits 16]
org 0x0000
jmp Startup
; BIOS Parameter Block
bpbOEM db "ATLAM OS"
bpbBytesPerSector: DW 512
bpbSectorsPerCluster: DB 1
bpbReservedSectors: DW 2
bpbNumberOfFATs: DB 1
bpbRootEntries: DW 512
bpbTotalSectors: DW 0xFFFF
bpbMedia: DB 0xf8 ;; 0xF1
bpbSectorsPerFAT: DW 494
bpbSectorsPerTrack: DW 18
bpbHeadsPerCylinder: DW 2
bpbHiddenSectors: DD 0
bpbTotalSectorsBig: DD 0
bsExtBootSignature: DB 0x29
bsSerialNumber: DD 0xa0a1a2a3
bsVolumeLabel: DB "MOS FLOPPY "
bsFileSystem: DB "FAT16 "
; Prints a string
lodsb ; load next byte from string from SI to AL
or al, al ; Does AL=0?
jz PrintDone ; Yep, null terminator found-bail out
mov ah, 0eh ; Nope-Print the character
int 10h
jmp Print ; Repeat until null terminator found
ret ; we are done, so return
; Convert CHS to LBA
sub ax, 0x0002 ; zero base cluster number
xor cx, cx
mov cl, BYTE [bpbSectorsPerCluster] ; convert byte to word
mul cx
add ax, WORD [datasector] ; base data sector
; Failing to Load Proceedure
mov si, msgFailure
call Print
mov ah, 0x00
int 0x16 ; await keypress
int 0x19 ; warm boot computer
; Convert LBA to CHS
; AX=>LBA Address to convert
; absolute sector = (logical sector / sectors per track) + 1
; absolute head = (logical sector / sectors per track) MOD number of heads
; absolute track = logical sector / (sectors per track * number of heads)
xor dx, dx ; prepare dx:ax for operation
div WORD [SECTORS_PER_TRACK] ; calculate
inc dl ; adjust for sector 0
mov BYTE [absoluteSector], dl
xor dx, dx ; prepare dx:ax for operation
div WORD [NUMBER_OF_HEADS] ; calculate
mov BYTE [absoluteHead], dl
mov BYTE [absoluteTrack], al
; Reads a series of sectors
; CX=>Number of sectors to read
; AX=>Starting sector
; ES:BX=>Buffer to read to
mov di, 0x0005 ; five retries for error
push ax
push bx
push cx
call LBACHS ; convert starting sector to CHS
mov ah, 0x02 ; BIOS read sector
mov al, 0x01 ; read one sector
mov ch, BYTE [absoluteTrack] ; track
mov cl, BYTE [absoluteSector] ; sector
mov dh, BYTE [absoluteHead] ; head
mov dl, BYTE [DRIVE_NUMBER] ; drive
int 0x13 ; invoke BIOS
jnc .SUCCESS ; test for read error
xor ax, ax ; BIOS reset disk
int 0x13 ; invoke BIOS
dec di ; decrement error counter
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
jnz .SECTORLOOP ; attempt to read again
int 0x18
mov si, msgReadSuccess
call Print
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
add bx, WORD [bpbBytesPerSector] ; queue next buffer
inc ax ; queue next sector
loop .MAIN ; read next sector
; Bootloader Entry Point
jmp 0x07C0:main
; code located at 0000:7C00, adjust segment registers
cli ; disable interrupts
mov ax, 0x07C0 ; setup registers to point to our segment
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
; create stack
mov ax, 0x0000 ; set the stack
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 0xFFFF
sti ; restore interrupts
push dx
push es
mov ah, 8
int 13h ; get drive parameters
mov [DRIVE_TYPE], bl
and cx, 3Fh ; maximum sector number
movzx dx, dh ; maximum head number
add dx, 1
pop es
pop dx
mov [DRIVE_NUMBER], dl
xor cx,cx
xor ax,ax
xor bx,bx
mov ax, 0x0210 ; LBA of Sector to read
mov bx, 0x0440 ; Address to Load to
mov cx, 0x0002 ; Number of sectors to read
call ReadSectors
mov cx, 0x000D ; Counter String length
mov di,0x05A3 ; Expected String Location in RAM
mov si, String ; String requiring matching
repe cmpsb ; test for entry match
mov si, msgConfirmString
call Print
jmp 0x07C0:0x0440
; Messages Section
String db "Searching for Operating System"
msgReadSuccess db 0x0D, 0x0A, "Krnl Rd Suc", 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x00
msgConfirmString db 0x0D, 0x0A, "Kernel Confirmed in Memory", 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x00
msgReadFail db 0x0D, 0x0A, "Krnl Rd Fld", 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x00
msgFailure db 0x0D, 0x0A, "ERR:Pres Key Rbt", 0x0A, 0x00
; Data Section
absoluteSector db 0x00
absoluteHead db 0x00
absoluteTrack db 0x00
datasector dw 0x0000
cluster dw 0x0000
; Boot Sector Signature
TIMES 510-($-$$) DB 0
DW 0xAA55
Second Stage is found in sector 528 and 529 (Decimal) in the USB. This has been confirmed using HxD. (Please see attached picture to confirm I am using the correct addressing)
At this point I have abandoned any attempts for reading FAT and Root and looking for the file and stuff (excuse me for the stupid code) I just need to be able to load ANYTHING in to the laptops RAM beyond what the BIOS does for me by loading the boot sector. Please take a look and let me know.
Thank you very much for your help
Re: Real machine vs bochs
Can you provide a list file? Are you sure that the initial jmp is short and not near? Especially since you didn't locate the code for jumping to 7c0:main directly after the BPB.
- Combuster
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Re: Real machine vs bochs
On a test laptop (Lenovo T61), the code starts booting (ie print messages ect .. ) I can read and write to USB stick
An USB stick that's configured as if it were a stack of floppies... that sounds really really kludgy...bpbSectorsPerTrack: DW 18
bpbHeadsPerCylinder: DW 2
I wouldn't try using what used to be a FAT12 bootloader for a CHS medium on something that's not CHS at all - instead you'll have to write a new boootsector that's LBA capable and matches the actual filesystem on the medium. The part that says "fat16" will always be ignored by windows as it'll compute the total sector count and decides which FAT entry size to use based on that.
Re: Real machine vs bochs
As far as I can tell this code tries to read a sector that can't exist (sector 0), and after 5 attempts it tries "int 0x18" which probably does nothing at all, and after int 0x18 has done nothing the code displays "success" even though nothing worked.
As far as I can tell this code tries to read a sector that can't exist (sector 0), and after 5 attempts it tries "int 0x18" which probably does nothing at all, and after int 0x18 has done nothing the code displays "success" even though nothing worked.
- For the older "int 0x13" BIOS functions that use CHS, sectors are numbered starting from sector 1, and there is no sector 0 because that would be "the sector before the first sector".
- Once upon a time there used to be a BASIC interpreter in ROM, and "int 0x18" was used to start this BASIC interpreter. The BASIC interpreter hasn't existed for about 30 years, so now all you get from "int 0x18" is undefined behaviour.
- Good code tells the user that an error occurred and also tells the user what the problem was (e.g. "BIOS returned 'bad sector detected' error when trying to read boot loader" or "BIOS returned 'no media in drive' when trying to read boot loader" or whatever else). Crappy code just says that an error occurred and doesn't help the user figure out what happened or give the user any idea of how to fix the problem (e.g. "Failed to read boot loader"). Of course sometimes the end user is you (the programmer) and acceptable error handling/reporting is a massive advantage for debugging. The BIOS disk functions return a status code in AH that should be used to tell the user what the problem is (see this web page for a list of what the different status codes mean).
For all things; perfection is, and will always remain, impossible to achieve in practice. However; by striving for perfection we create things that are as perfect as practically possible. Let the pursuit of perfection be our guide.
Re: Real machine vs bochs
Uh...Ahmed wrote:Here is the complete code and setup...
Code: Select all
org 0x0000 ; in many cases org 7C00h will be more suitable
jmp Startup ; you use non-standard Startup location,
nop ; so are you sure that jump instruction is really short?
bpbReservedSectors: DW 2 ; for FAT12/16 recommendable value of this field is 1
bpbHiddenSectors: DD 0 ; for partitions this field should hold non-zero value
bpbTotalSectorsBig: DD 0
DRIVE_NUMBER equ 7C24h ; where is drive number field?
DRIVE_TYPE equ 7C3Eh ; these offsets are valid only in segments with zero base
bsExtBootSignature: DB 0x29
jmp 0x07C0:main ; this technique is necessary only if you use absolute addressing in jump/call instructions later
mov ax, 0x07C0 ; save the space, use mov ax,cs
mov fs, ax ; are you really need these registers?
mov gs, ax
mov ax, 0x0000 ; save the space, use xor ax,ax
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 0xFFFF ; it is very, very bad; try mov sp,7C00h
BIOS can hide all sectors before partition, so use HiddenSectors field to get the "base".Second Stage is found in sector 528 and 529 (Decimal) in the USB. This has been confirmed using HxD. (Please see attached picture to confirm I am using the correct addressing)
If you have seen bad English in my words, tell me what's wrong, please.
Re: Real machine vs bochs
so I added this right after the INT 0x13
cmp ah,00h
jne Failure
and it doesnt go to failure routine, so the last operation code indicates a successful read.
also the obsolete INT 0x18 ( which was a part of some tutorial) never gets to see the light. the code jumps to the success (to my surprise) routine every time. This is verified as it only prints the read success message 2 times (once for each sector) then hangs when it jumps to an empty memory location
I have also tried an LBA version as opposed to the current CHS version we are discussing ( posted the code earlier) still not working.
what I dont understand and no body seems to be answering that question is WHY DOES THE BIOS THINK AND BEHAVE LIKE IT JUST HAD A SUCCESSFUL READ AND THEN THERE IS NOTHING IN THE MEMORY. like for example, am I loading the code at an address different than the address I jump to? am I actually reading sectors 528 and 529 (from the USB LBA notation with the boot sector being sector 0) ?
Because other than that I really dont think that any good or bad coding practices ( like BPB values ... I get the BIOS emulated disk geometry with the IN0x13 at the beginning so no assumptions and I dont calculate anything else, I am just trying to load anything from the direct location of sectors 528 and 529 ) can severely affect a BIOS function like that. The fact is that my stupid BIOS executes an INT 0x13 (Both CHS & LBA versions) with correct addressing ( as far as I know and these addresses worked well on Bochs, but please DO correct me if you spot anything with the addressing) , returns a successful read code (ah = 00h) and no carry flag is set and YET THERE IS NOTHING IN THE MEMORY (people please address this phenomenon, I will clean up the code as I gain experience but this is very fundamental and just needs a straight up answer. Also please please please include the required changes or how you would do it if possible rather than pointing out the mistake). I am starting to feel like I am the only idiot who had to deal with this problem or has a broken BIOS on his laptop
Thank you very much
so I added this right after the INT 0x13
cmp ah,00h
jne Failure
and it doesnt go to failure routine, so the last operation code indicates a successful read.
also the obsolete INT 0x18 ( which was a part of some tutorial) never gets to see the light. the code jumps to the success (to my surprise) routine every time. This is verified as it only prints the read success message 2 times (once for each sector) then hangs when it jumps to an empty memory location
I have also tried an LBA version as opposed to the current CHS version we are discussing ( posted the code earlier) still not working.
what I dont understand and no body seems to be answering that question is WHY DOES THE BIOS THINK AND BEHAVE LIKE IT JUST HAD A SUCCESSFUL READ AND THEN THERE IS NOTHING IN THE MEMORY. like for example, am I loading the code at an address different than the address I jump to? am I actually reading sectors 528 and 529 (from the USB LBA notation with the boot sector being sector 0) ?
Because other than that I really dont think that any good or bad coding practices ( like BPB values ... I get the BIOS emulated disk geometry with the IN0x13 at the beginning so no assumptions and I dont calculate anything else, I am just trying to load anything from the direct location of sectors 528 and 529 ) can severely affect a BIOS function like that. The fact is that my stupid BIOS executes an INT 0x13 (Both CHS & LBA versions) with correct addressing ( as far as I know and these addresses worked well on Bochs, but please DO correct me if you spot anything with the addressing) , returns a successful read code (ah = 00h) and no carry flag is set and YET THERE IS NOTHING IN THE MEMORY (people please address this phenomenon, I will clean up the code as I gain experience but this is very fundamental and just needs a straight up answer. Also please please please include the required changes or how you would do it if possible rather than pointing out the mistake). I am starting to feel like I am the only idiot who had to deal with this problem or has a broken BIOS on his laptop
Thank you very much Egos. Now this potentially looks promising but I really dont know what you mean here so can you please kindly elaborate moreegos wrote:BIOS can hide all sectors before partition, so use HiddenSectors field to get the "base".
Thank you very much Brendan. However, I am not sure what you mean here by doesnt exist. If so, why does it return a successful read code and why does an exact disk image on bochs find the sectors and read them no problem and I never tried to read sector 0 anyway (thats the boot sector which is already in RAM) so can you please elaborate more on that.Brendan wrote: As far as I can tell this code tries to read a sector that can't exist (sector 0)
Thank you very much
Re: Real machine vs bochs
Dear Rdos
can you please explain what do you mean with a file list ?? Like do you want me to post all the source files and a disk image to see if the addressing is correct ??
best regards
can you please explain what do you mean with a file list ?? Like do you want me to post all the source files and a disk image to see if the addressing is correct ??
best regards
Re: Real machine vs bochs
If your partition starts at LBA N then BIOS can hide sectors 0...N-1 and put zero into HiddenSectors. In this case to read sector N, N+1, ... you should read sector 0, 1, ... through BIOS. To read USB drive correctly in any case you should put N into HiddenSectors and then use current value of this field in your code as the "base", i.e. you should calculate absolute number of the sector to read: HiddenSectors value + relative number of the sector to read.Ahmed wrote:Thank you very much Egos. Now this potentially looks promising but I really dont know what you mean here so can you please kindly elaborate more
Brendan means that in CHS S=0 is incorrect value.Thank you very much Brendan. However, I am not sure what you mean here by doesnt exist. If so, why does it return a successful read code and why does an exact disk image on bochs find the sectors and read them no problem and I never tried to read sector 0 anyway (thats the boot sector which is already in RAM) so can you please elaborate more on that.
If you have seen bad English in my words, tell me what's wrong, please.
Re: Real machine vs bochs
Hi, Ahmed -- you've mentioned using diskpart to clean and create a partition on your USB device, so I'm assuming that it's set up like a normal hard disk, with an MBR containing a partition table at LBA 0, probably followed by some reserved space, and then the actual partition. You've also mentioned confirming the location of your second stage at sectors 528 and 529 using HxD -- the picture you mentioned attaching to that post didn't make it, so this is a guess, but I'm assuming that you meant HxD showed your data in sectors 528 and 529 when you used it to view that partition. If that's the case, then reading the sectors at LBA 528 and 529 is not going to load your second stage, because the sector numbers displayed by HxD are relative to the start of the partition, while the extended read / write functions of int 13h use sector numbers relative to the start of the device. (And even if you translate to CHS, 0 / 0 / 1 is still going to get you the first sector of the device, not the first sector of the partition.)Ahmed wrote:Second Stage is found in sector 528 and 529 (Decimal) in the USB. This has been confirmed using HxD. (Please see attached picture to confirm I am using the correct addressing)
At this point I have abandoned any attempts for reading FAT and Root and looking for the file and stuff (excuse me for the stupid code) I just need to be able to load ANYTHING in to the laptops RAM beyond what the BIOS does for me by loading the boot sector. Please take a look and let me know.
For example, I have a 4GB thumb drive with a single FAT32 partition on it. Reading sector 0 of the device via int 13h gets me the MBR and partition table, which shows one active partition starting at LBA 128. Reading sector 128 of the device gets me my bootsector, which HxD shows at sector 0 of the partition. That bootsector loads a few more sectors starting at sector 144 of the device, which HxD shows at sector 16 of the partition. And so on -- if you've already taken this into consideration, then my apologies, but in reading through the thread, I didn't see anything that completely ruled it out in my mind, and it's the sort of thing that would explain your reads not returning an error code (because they did work just fine) and also returning zeroes (because you were reading empty sectors some offset away from the ones you meant to read.)
Those who understand Unix are doomed to copy it, poorly.
Re: Real machine vs bochs
Thanks alot guys !! I appreciate your input !!
Now we are on to something !! No I did not account for any partitioning, i set up the USB using HxD the same way I set up a disk Image for Bochs! I am a newbie and I wasnt aware of the partition table thingy ( so that could very well explain why there are always zeros in the RAM)
I am going to look into how to setup partitions and where they are in the disk and let you know how things work out !!!
@ Minoto : Thanks for the tip and yes you are right the picture should have showed the Hexdump of Stage 2 located at sectors 528 and 529, so I guess given the fact that there is a partition table which I need to worry about, they are not physically @ 528 and 529 (which is how LBA addressing works by targeting PHYSICAL location) which means I am loading empty sectors from the FAT , hence the zeros !!!
@Egos : Thanks alot for the hiding sectors tip, just let me make sure that I understand this correctly, so if I need to load 528 and 529
(if not too much to ask please correct my steps if I am mistaken !!)
1) account for the Partition table ( ie translate 528 and 529 to their ACTUAL physical location on the disk including the partition table not just assume MBR is 0) (minotos tip for accounting for the partition table)
2) put (value translated - 1) in the hidden sectors (egos tip for reading the disk correctly to avoid the bios hiding the sectors)
3) execute an INT 0x13 with LBA value = value translated, and sectors to read = 2
4) jmp to the segment: offset value I read the sectors to
and that should work ?
Thanks alot guys !! appreciate it !!!
Also to who ever else that may be reading this and is involved in creating/maintaining a tutorial I think this is a very very very important thing to mention and clarify the difference between bochs (or what ever else emulator) and the real thing. It was only possible for me to realize this by the efforts of this great community and non of the online tutorials mention this !!
I will let you guys know how things work out
Now we are on to something !! No I did not account for any partitioning, i set up the USB using HxD the same way I set up a disk Image for Bochs! I am a newbie and I wasnt aware of the partition table thingy ( so that could very well explain why there are always zeros in the RAM)
I am going to look into how to setup partitions and where they are in the disk and let you know how things work out !!!
@ Minoto : Thanks for the tip and yes you are right the picture should have showed the Hexdump of Stage 2 located at sectors 528 and 529, so I guess given the fact that there is a partition table which I need to worry about, they are not physically @ 528 and 529 (which is how LBA addressing works by targeting PHYSICAL location) which means I am loading empty sectors from the FAT , hence the zeros !!!
@Egos : Thanks alot for the hiding sectors tip, just let me make sure that I understand this correctly, so if I need to load 528 and 529
(if not too much to ask please correct my steps if I am mistaken !!)
1) account for the Partition table ( ie translate 528 and 529 to their ACTUAL physical location on the disk including the partition table not just assume MBR is 0) (minotos tip for accounting for the partition table)
2) put (value translated - 1) in the hidden sectors (egos tip for reading the disk correctly to avoid the bios hiding the sectors)
3) execute an INT 0x13 with LBA value = value translated, and sectors to read = 2
4) jmp to the segment: offset value I read the sectors to
and that should work ?
Thanks alot guys !! appreciate it !!!
Also to who ever else that may be reading this and is involved in creating/maintaining a tutorial I think this is a very very very important thing to mention and clarify the difference between bochs (or what ever else emulator) and the real thing. It was only possible for me to realize this by the efforts of this great community and non of the online tutorials mention this !!
I will let you guys know how things work out
- Combuster
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Re: Real machine vs bochs
That difference is less important than the one between an USB stick and a floppy, a MBR scheme and a lack of partitions, and between FAT12 and FAT16/32 though, as it's not the emulators that are responsible for those...I think this is a very very very important thing to mention and clarify the difference between bochs (or what ever else emulator) and the real thing.
Re: Real machine vs bochs
Ahmed, show dump of your PHYSICAL disk up to last sector of your "stage 2".
If you have seen bad English in my words, tell me what's wrong, please.
Re: Real machine vs bochs
I'm not sure about that explanation of the hidden sectors field...every reference I've checked just describes it as the number of sectors before the start of the partition. If the BPB is accurate, it should already contain the number you need for your step 1, and there would be no reason to change it. It gives you the LBA of the start of the partition, so you can determine the LBA of a partition-relative sector by just adding the number of "hidden" sectors. In your example, if it was 128, the LBA of the first sector of your second stage would be 128 + 528 = 656. This is your translated value for step 3.Ahmed wrote:(if not too much to ask please correct my steps if I am mistaken !!)
1) account for the Partition table ( ie translate 528 and 529 to their ACTUAL physical location on the disk including the partition table not just assume MBR is 0) (minotos tip for accounting for the partition table)
2) put (value translated - 1) in the hidden sectors (egos tip for reading the disk correctly to avoid the bios hiding the sectors)
Yes.Ahmed wrote: 3) execute an INT 0x13 with LBA value = value translated, and sectors to read = 2
4) jmp to the segment: offset value I read the sectors to
and that should work ?
Those who understand Unix are doomed to copy it, poorly.