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when I do a ata_read_sector(), the code stops at "hlt' instruction to wait for the sector data. If a keyboard interrupt occurs, then after keyboard iret, will PC be back to the ata "hlt" instruction?
I use this hlt method, it works fine though, I can read/write sector data. But I am not 100% sure it is safe.
I test it in BOCHS, but I can't remember If I tried in real machine before, the test machine is broken now.
My thought is:
When stops at ata hlt instruction, if kb interrupt occurs, the cpu goes to kb interrupt routine, then back to ata hlt instruction with kb iret.
because kb interrupt has higher priority.
I read the document, the document says the EIP points to the next instruction after HLT, whichever interrupt comes.
Of couse you can use classic method to deal with interruption routines.
I just want to try the "HLT" method here, if it does't work, how to explain the correct ata sector data, instead of garbage one.
If the manual is not clear enough, HLT will resume the core upon _any_ interrupt (and some other cases).
So, after HLT you need to check the cause (or validate ata status), you may not assume the core is awake due to something is read from ATA.
blackoil wrote:how to explain the correct ata sector data, instead of garbage one.
It work (in some case) does not mean it has no bug; say, if a timer interrupt happen at the right time you may get garbage.
I found the cause: I set the wrong bits in secondary 8259PIC for ata devices, in REVERSE order.
It's verified with HLT instruction and only ATA IRQ enabled.