As per my previous posts, I have been experimenting with FAT32 hard disk images rather than floppy disks.
I have tried using both of the following BPBs:
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BPB_OEM_ID db "MSDOS5.0" ;Must be 8 bytes long
BPB_BYTES_PER_SECTOR dw 0x0200 ;Bytes Per sector, Usually 512
BPB_SECTORS_PER_CLUSTER db 0x00 ;Sectors Per Cluster
BPB_RESERVED_SECTORS dw 0x0000 ;Number of Reserved Sectors, Including Boot Record, Logical start of FAT
BPB_TOTAL_FATS db 0x02 ;Number of FAT tables, almost always 2
BPB_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES dw 0x0000 ;Number of Directory Entries
BPB_TOTAL_SECTORS dw 0x0000 ;Total sectors in the logical volume, if 0 it means there is over 65535
BPB_MEDIA_TYPE db 0x00 ;Media Descriptor Type
BPB_SECTORS_PER_FAT dw 0x0000 ;Sectors per FAT,FAT12/FAT16 only
BPB_SECTORS_PER_TRACK dw 0x0000 ;Sectors per track
BPB_TOTAL_HEADS dw 0x0000 ;Number of heads or sides on the storage media
BPB_HIDDEN_SECTORS dd 0x00000000 ;Number of hidden sectors, LBA of beginning of partition
BPB_LARGE_TOTAL_SECTORS dd 0x00000000 ;Large amount of sectors on media, set if over 65535
;Extended Bios Parameter Block(EBPB), used in FAT32
EBPB_SECTORS_PER_FAT dd 0x00000000 ;Sectors per FAT
EBPB_FLAGS dw 0x0000 ;Flags
EBPB_FAT_VER dw 0x0000 ;FAT Version number
EBPB_ROOT_DIR_CLUSTER dd 0x00000002 ;The cluster number of the root directory, usually 2
EBPB_FSINFO_LBA dw 0x0000 ;The Logical LBA of the FSInfo structure
EBPB_BACKUP_VBR_LBA dw 0x0000 ;The Logical LBA of the backup boot sector
EBPB_RESERVED times 12 db 0x00 ;RESERVED, 12 Bytes
EBPB_DISK_NUM db 0x00 ;Drive number, value is arbitrary
EBPB_NT_FLAGS db 0x00 ;Flags in Windows NT, Reserved
EBPB_SIGNATURE db 0x29 ;Signature, must be 0x28 or 0x29
EBPB_VOLUME_ID dd 0x00000000 ;VolumeID 'Serial' number, used for tracking volumes between computers
EBPB_VOLUME_LABEL db "NO NAME " ;Volume label string, 11 Bytes
EBPB_SYS_ID db "FAT32 " ;System identifier string, 8 Bytes
Code: Select all
BPBBytesPerSector dw 0x0200
BPBSectorsPerCluster db 0x08
BPBReservedSectors dw 0x0020
BPBTotalFATs db 0x02
BPBMaxRootEntries dw 0x0000
BPBNumberOfSectors dw 0x0000
BPBMediaDescriptor db 0xF8
BPBSectorsPerFAT dw 0x0000
BPBSectorsPerTrack dw 0x0000
BPBSectorsPerHead dw 0x0000
BPBHiddenSectors dd 0x00000000
BPBTotalSectors dd 0x00000000
BPBBigSectorsPerFAT dd 0x00000000
BPBFlags dw 0x0000
BPBFSVersion dw 0x0000
BPBRootDirectoryStart dd 0x00000002
BPBFSInfoSector dw 0x0001
BPBBackupBootSector dw 0x0006
times 13 db 0 ; jmp next offset
BPBDriveNumber db 0x00
BPBSignature db 0x29
BPBVolumeLabel db "Gravity Vol"
BPBSystemID db "FAT32 "
I then create the disk image using bximage and mtools: (extract from makefile)
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bximage -hd -mode=flat -size=550 -q /tmp/hdd.img
echo -e \\t-Partitioning Image + MBR
mpartition -I -B $(OBJDIR)/mbr/mbr -s 63 -t 1117 -h 16 c:
mpartition -cpv -s 63 -t 1117 -h 16 c:
echo -e \\t-Formatting FAT32 Partition + VBR
mformat -t 1117 -h 16 -s 63 -F -B $(OBJDIR)/vbr/vbr c:
So the disk image is created and during partitioning mtools writes my MBR to the disk and fills in the correct values to the partition table.
The single partition is then formatted with mformat, the VBR is written and the correct BPB values substituted in.
From all of the examples that I can find, the first step with FAT32 is to calculate the first data sector as (Sectors Per Fat * Total Fats) + Reserved Sectors.
I noticed that I was getting some very odd results from this calculation:
Code: Select all
; compute location of root directory and store in 'ax'
xor ax, ax
mov al, BYTE [BPB_TOTAL_FATS] ; number of FATs
mul WORD[EBPB_SECTORS_PER_FAT] ; sectors used by FATs
add ax, WORD [BPB_RESERVED_SECTORS] ; adjust for bootsector
Further printing out (and inspection through hex editor) shows the following BPB values are injected by mformat:
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BPB_TOTAL_FATS: 0x00000000
I know that the total fats should be 0x2 and I think that the sectors per cluster should be lower than 0x802.
My question is why are these values injected by mtools?
Is there an alternative tool? I like the fact that it writes the MBR/VBR and according to its man page: "Use the bootsector stored in the given file or device, instead of using its own. Only the geometry fields are updated to match the target disks parameters." So that I can easily change what disk I am using (image or physical disk) and mtools takes care of filling in the partition table and bpb.
For some reason it does not seem to be working.
Could someone please offer some advice?