OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Question about which tools to use, bugs, the best way to implement a function, etc should go here. Don't forget to see if your question is answered in the wiki first! When in doubt post here.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by graphitemaster »

I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my past and future contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by Ameise »

I hereby declare that I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by trap15 »

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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by Lucretia »

I hereby declare that I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki and its predecessor the MegaTokyo FAQ are licensed under the effect of the CC0.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by nosey »

I hereby declare that I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki and its predecessor the MegaTokyo FAQ are licensed under the effect of the CC0.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by bellezzasolo »

have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my past and future contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by Schol-R-LEA »

I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my past and future contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by Incorporated »

I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my past and future contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by exolu »

I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my past and future contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by rajasrijan »

I hereby declare that I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki and its predecessor the MegaTokyo FAQ are licensed under the effect of the CC0.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by Czernobyl »

I hereby declare that I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki and its predecessor the MegaTokyo FAQ are licensed under the effect of the CC0.

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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by demonkoryu »

I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my past and future contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by mrvn »


I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my past and future contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.


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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by TheQuux »

I think that I have some content in the wiki from way back when, so:

I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my past and future contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki are licensed under the effect of the CC0.

Further, all content that I have posted to the forums should be assumed to be under CC0 unless otherwise stated in the post.
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Re: OSDev Wiki Relicensing statements

Post by DennisCGc »

I hereby declare that I have taken notice of the CC0 license and its intended effects, and hereby declare that all my contributions to the OSDev.org Wiki and its predecessor the MegaTokyo FAQ are licensed under the effect of the CC0.

I contributed to the wiki several years ago.