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I get " was pressed". Another thing is when I try to just use the key board the interrupt won't register unless I try to enable the floppy drive, which my driver for it isn't working and goes somewhere into an infinite loop. Even more oddly when it works with the floppy every time I press a key there's a space or unwanted character inbetween. A saw on a post somewhere else I saw that when you enable the pit and keyboard without multitasking it might cause some errors so I only enable the keyboard and I get the same error.
You need to include more, like did you send an EOI? Also, what are you trying to achieve by using outb() on the keyboard?
The keyboard and floppy don't have any interdependency, afaik.
Post the code for your "get_status_reg()" and "get_keyboard_en_input_buffer()". I'll assume the latter simply does in
, but I can't assume anything.
yes that's true
You need to include more, like did you send an EOI? Also, what are you trying to achieve by using outb() on the keyboard?
The keyboard and floppy don't have any interdependency, afaik.
Yes I sent the EOI.
I'm just trying to get input from the keyboard and I tried pressing a key on the keyboard and it won't send, so I tried to do it in code.