Ok, what's wrong?

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Re: Ok, what's wrong?

Post by LindusSystem »

Oh, sorry guys!
One thing:
Sometimes I used to get the same error "interrupt(): gate descriptor is not valid sys seg" and GPF

It got fixed in my kernel after I did
mov ax,0x08
mov cs,ax
mov ax,0x10
mov ds ,ax
mov es,ax
mov gs,ax
mov fs,ax

The same way have you initialized the segments before using other bootloader stuff.
For example: mov ax, 0x7C00 ;Depends where you want it to be
mov ,etc,etc
Sorry for the mistake of mov cs,0x08
But I wonder I had done it but my kernel was executing, now I am confused!!

Anyway thanks I have removed the mov cs thing but it works still.
Anyone has a idea of making a ntfs bootsector?if yes PM me , plz.
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Re: Ok, what's wrong?

Post by Mikemk »

Then, I am a "Blind in the Darkness Programmer"
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Re: Ok, what's wrong?

Post by VolTeK »

berkus wrote:Exactly.