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I have tried Bochs too, and it doesn't give an error, but it freezes the open TTY device. I can switch to another, but the TTY device with X freezes (I can move my cursor around but it won't click). What is wrong and how might I go about fixing it?
Thanks in advance,
Last edited by elijaheac on Sun Jan 29, 2012 2:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
thepowersgang wrote:Are you using an ELF binary? Is it higher-half? Do you use the physical address hint? (in the linker script - AT( ADDR(.text) - kernel_base ) )
Also, that method of loading is a hack, get a grub image with a filesystem instead.
I'm just following the tutorial, It is not higher half, it is ELF (I am on Ubuntu), and I do not use the physical address hint. I'm saving optimization for later. First I just want to get the base kernel running.
tjmonk15 wrote:How big is your kernel? Doesn't it need to be under 510 bytes? (At least the first stage of the bootloaded...)
I'm just following the Bare Bones tutorial. it shouldn't be any larger or smaller than the tutorial kernel.