I've spent some time the last few days looking at the VBE spec. Finally got around to adding some vbe code to my boot loader last night. I debugged it on VMWare and found 100 modes. Some are quite interesting.
The I tested on my favourite 'real' PC. There are 31 modes BUT the one I want (the only one that I want!!!), 1920x1080 does not exist. Is that the end ? Does my OS never support my PC ?
Is there any way to safely and reliably get my NVIDIA card into 1920x1080 mode with a linear frame buffer ? I'm not looking for anything fancy.
Vbe disappointment
Vbe disappointment
If a trainstation is where trains stop, what is a workstation ?
Re: Vbe disappointment
If it's not a GPGPU card (pre 8800) then Pedigree has an NVIDIA driver that will probably just about do that...gerryg400 wrote:I've spent some time the last few days looking at the VBE spec. Finally got around to adding some vbe code to my boot loader last night. I debugged it on VMWare and found 100 modes. Some are quite interesting.
The I tested on my favourite 'real' PC. There are 31 modes BUT the one I want (the only one that I want!!!), 1920x1080 does not exist. Is that the end ? Does my OS never support my PC ?
Is there any way to safely and reliably get my NVIDIA card into 1920x1080 mode with a linear frame buffer ? I'm not looking for anything fancy.
Re: Vbe disappointment
Wow, thanks. I thought i was asking a rhetorical question so an answer is great. It's an 8600. GS I think but I'm at work so I can't be sure. I'll look at your code tonight.
If a trainstation is where trains stop, what is a workstation ?
Re: Vbe disappointment
It's very pre-alpha. Be warned.gerryg400 wrote:Wow, thanks. I thought i was asking a rhetorical question so an answer is great. It's an 8600. GS I think but I'm at work so I can't be sure. I'll look at your code tonight.