Problem on real hardware

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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by Combuster »

Can you post your current code, After all this whole lot of better and worse ideas I can't tell what you have, and I'd like to poke it onto a floppy drive and see what it actually does.

After 5 pages of effort I might even fix your code for you.
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by romfox »

Ok here is my current bootsector:

Code: Select all

%define BASE    0x100  ; 0x0100:0x0 = 0x1000
%define KSIZE   50     ; nombre de secteurs a charger

[BITS 16]
[ORG 0x7c00]

jmp 0x0:start
%include ""

; initialisation des segments en 0x07c0
    xor ax, ax
    mov ds, ax
    mov es, ax
    mov fs, ax
    mov ss, ax
    mov sp, 0xf000

; recuparation de l'unite de boot
    mov [bootdrv], dl    

; affiche un msg
    mov si, msgDebut
    call print16

    push es
    push ds

initialise_disque: ; Initialise le lecteur de disque
    xor ax, ax
    mov dl, [bootdrv]
    int 0x13
    jc initialise_disque ; En cas d'erreur on recommence (sinon, de toute façon, on ne peut rien faire)

    pop ds
    push ds
    mov ax, BASE
    mov es, ax
    mov [reg16], es
    call print_reg16
    xor bx, bx
    mov ah, 2           ; Fonction 0x02 : chargement mémoire
    mov al, KSIZE      ; On lit KSIZE secteurs
    xor ch, ch          ; Premier cylindre (n° 0)
    mov cl, 2           ; Premier secteur (porte le n° 2, le n° 1, on est dedans, et le n° 0 n'existe pas)
    xor dh, dh          ; Tête de lecture n° 0
    mov dl, [bootdrv]   
    int 0x13            ; Lit !
    jc lire             ; En cas d'erreur, on recommence

    pop ds
    pop es

; passage en modep
    mov ax, 0
    mov ds, ax
    lgdt [gdtptr]    ; charge la gdt
    mov eax, cr0
    or  ax, 1
    mov cr0, eax        ; PE mis a 1 (CR0)

    jmp 0x8:next
[BITS 32]
    mov ax, 0x10        ; segment de donne
    mov ds, ax
    mov fs, ax
    mov gs, ax
    mov es, ax
    mov ss, ax
    mov esp, 0x9F000

; Affichage d'un message par ecriture dans la RAM video
    mov byte [0xB8140], 'H'
    mov byte [0xB8141], 0x57

    in al, 0x64
    and al, 1
    jz .wait

    jmp BASE << 4

bootdrv:  db 0
msgDebut: db "Loading kernel...", 13, 10, 0
    db 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    dd 0xffff, 0x00cf9a00
    dd 0xffff, 0x00cf9200
    dw gdtend - gdt -1
    dd gdt  ; base

;; NOP jusqu'a 510
times 510-($-$$) db 144
dw 0xAA55

Code: Select all

; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Fonction d'affichage qui utilise le BIOS
; -------------------------------------------------------------

   push ax
   push bx

   or al, al ; zero=end of str
   jz .end   ; get out
   mov ah, 0x0E
   mov bl, 0xff
   int 0x10
   jmp .debut

   pop bx
   pop ax

; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Fonction d'affichage qui utilise le BIOS
; -------------------------------------------------------------

    mov di, buff16
    mov ax, [reg16]
    mov si, hexch
    mov cx, 4

    rol ax, 4
    mov bx, ax
    and bx, 0x0f
    mov bl, [si+bx]
    mov [edi], bl
    inc di
    dec cx
    jnz .debut

    mov si, buff16
    call print16

reg16: dw 0
buff16: db '0000', 0
hexch: db '0123456789abcdef'
I don't post any kernel cause it doesn't jump to any one ^^.

But I try with that :

Code: Select all

[BIT 32]
[ORG 0x1000]
    mov byte [0xB8140], 'K'
    mov byte [0xB8141], 0x57
    jmp $
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by guyfawkes »

If i was you, i would take a peace of code from your stage 1 and write it to the jump address, then jump to it, if it works then you know that the original code is not being written there.


Code: Select all

Mov cr0, eax
jmp 8:next
[BITS 32]
mov   ax,0x10
mov   ds,ax
mov   ss,ax
mov   es,ax
mov   gs,ax
mov   fs,ax
; some code which init segments
mov   byte [0xb8a00], 'H'
mov   byte [0xb8a01], 0x57

mov   esi,TestCode
mov   edi,0x1000
mov   ecx,TestCodeEnd-TestCode
rep    movsb

jmp   0x1000
jmp   $
[BITS 32]
mov   byte [0xb8a00], 'T'
mov   byte [0xb8a01], 0x57
jmp   $
Note untested

See if the T gets printed.
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by romfox »

Using this it works so I think it's an int 0x13 problem but can't find it.

And can somebody explain me why does it work on Bochs and VirtualBox ?
Last edited by romfox on Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by Muneer »

Combuster wrote:What epic nonsense. The address is a completely independent type. Only the ORG directive for binary or the linker for ordered formats determine if the address will actually fit within 16 bits or n
oops. Sorry about that... I should have been thinking of something else. Although I knew that but it seems for a split second I got ORG and BITS confused.... Thanks for correcting.
Last edited by Muneer on Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by DavidCooper »

Are you booting from an external USB hard drive? If so, you probably do need a BPB. I don't know, so see what others think. I've only ever booted from floppy disks, which I do via USB now, and with a BPB.
Last edited by DavidCooper on Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by guyfawkes »

romfox wrote:Using this it works so I think it's an int 0x13 problem but can't find it.

And can somebody explain me why does it work on Bochs and VirtualBox ?
Emulators are not 100%, you will find many times that it works on emulators, but not real PC.
Eg: I am sure emulator enable A20, even if not in code.

So now you need to debug your (int 0x13) code, there's a chance its being written to the wrong address.

You can try writing a number to that address before (int 0x13) and try and read it back after.

One thing to NOTE do not try and read a number of sectors at a time, its buggy, read one sector at a time, but do it in a loop.
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by DavidCooper »

guyfawkes wrote:One thing to NOTE do not try and read a number of sectors at a time, its buggy, read one sector at a time, but do it in a loop.
There's no need to go that far, and at the moment it only needs to load one for the kernel to respond when jumped to. It isn't doing that, so it looks as if none of it's being loaded.
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by DavidCooper »

romfox wrote:And can somebody explain me why does it work on Bochs and VirtualBox ?
They aren't so fussy, but you'll find that real hardware can often be less fussy than VMs in other ways - you just have to keep modifying your code till it works on everything you have available to try it on, and then it should work on most of the machines out there.
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by DavidCooper »

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; affiche un msg
    mov si, msgDebut
    call print16

    push es
    push ds
You're still pushing segment registers after calling a BIOS routine which may have messed them up. It's unlikely to happen, but you shouldn't trust the BIOS to preserve anything other than SS and SP.
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by Muneer »


I come with good news. Your code worked like a charm in my PC (real hardware) only when I set USB Emulation to HDD and shows 0100 with a pink H. Also I think I had a similar problem trying to boot from a USB which when formatted in fat32 from ubuntu said 0x0B. This usb stick I tested with some time ago marked fat32 0x0C (LBA)...
When I set USB to Floppy Emulation. Only Kernel Loading is displayed
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by DavidCooper »

Sorry to travel back in time, but I don't want anyone to be confused by this stuff:-
HardCoder wrote:A quick read through the code revealed

Code: Select all

    xor eax, eax      ; calcule l'adresse lineaire de GDT -- EAX IS 0 NOW
    xor ebx, ebx
    mov ax, ds               ; WHY DO YOU WANT THE VALUE OF DS
    mov ecx, eax
    shl ecx, 4
    mov bx, gdt          ; THE LABEL gdt IS 32 BITS IN SIZE. ONLY MUST DO MOV EBX,gdt 
    add ecx, ebx        ; ADDING THE WRONG VALUE
    mov dword [gdtptr+2], ecx
The code above takes the content of DS (which may have been corrupted earlier by the BIOS), multiplies it by 16 (by shifting) to turn it into an actual address, then adds the offset address of the gdt to it and ultimately calculates the correct address of the GDT - it's a complicated way to go about something which should be very simple (and that's now been put right in the latest version), but it worked in VMs because it's essentially right, apart from the possibility of DS becoming corrupted.

Code: Select all

; passage en modep 
    lgdt [gdtptr]    ; charge la gdt
    mov eax, cr0                               
    or  ax, 1
    mov cr0, eax        ; PE mis a 1 (CR0) ; DS MUST BE ZERO BEFORE JUMPING TO PROTECTED MODE 

    jmp 0x8:next
DS needs to be correct for the lgdt instruction (which it will be unless the BIOS corrupted it), but it doesn't matter what it contains during the actual switch to protected mode, nor during the far jump immediately afterwards which loads CS with a protected mode segment.

Code: Select all

[ORG 0x0] 

It didn't matter in this case, but it certainly isn't a bad idea to do a far jump early on to get 0 into CS.
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by Muneer »


I come with good news. Your code worked like a charm in my PC (real hardware) only when I set USB Emulation to HDD and shows 0100 with a pink H. Also I think I had a similar problem trying to boot from a USB which when formatted in fat32 from ubuntu said 0x0B. This usb stick I tested with some time ago marked fat32 0x0C (LBA)...
When I set USB to Floppy Emulation. Only Kernel Loading is displayed

EDIT: I made no changes to your code except padding the rest of the kernel with 512 bytes. Apart from that your code works
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by guyfawkes »

DavidCooper wrote:
guyfawkes wrote:One thing to NOTE do not try and read a number of sectors at a time, its buggy, read one sector at a time, but do it in a loop.
There's no need to go that far, and at the moment it only needs to load one for the kernel to respond when jumped to. It isn't doing that, so it looks as if none of it's being loaded.
But he's trying to read more than one sector at a time

Code: Select all

  mov ah, 2           ; Fonction 0x02 : chargement mémoire
    mov al, KSIZE       ; See here 50
    xor ch, ch          ; Premier cylindre (n° 0)
    mov cl, 2           ; Premier secteur (porte le n° 2, le n° 1, on est dedans, et le n° 0 n'existe pas)
    xor dh, dh          ; Tête de lecture n° 0
    mov dl, [bootdrv]   ; Toujours pas d'identifiant de disque, c'est toujours le même.
    int 0x13            ; Lit !
That is buggy on most BIOS, you should only read/write one sector at a time.
INT 13,2 - Read Disk Sectors

AH = 02

AL = number of sectors to read (1-128 dec.)

CH = track/cylinder number (0-1023 dec., see below)

CL = sector number (1-17 dec.)

DH = head number (0-15 dec.)

DL = drive number (0=A:, 1=2nd floppy, 80h=drive 0, 81h=drive 1)

ES:BX = pointer to buffer
AL should only ever have 1 in it.
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by romfox »

So I have to turn the emulation mode to HDD ? How can I do that ? (Still searching on google).

Edit : even reading 1 sector it doesnt work I would have say.
Last edited by romfox on Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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