Problem on real hardware

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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by guyfawkes »

If you are in PM you can debug by using code like this

Code: Select all

mov   byte [fs:0xB809E], "1"  ;print 1
xor   eax,eax      
in    al,60h         ; get key press
cmp   al,0x1c      ; check if enter
jne   NoKey1       ; if not loop


mov   byte [fs:0xB809E], "2"
xor   eax,eax 
in    al,60h
cmp   al,0x1c   
jne   NoKey2 


mov   byte [fs:0xB809E], "3"
xor   eax,eax 
in    al,60h
cmp   al,0x1c   
jne   NoKey3 

For real PC.
It waits for enter to be pressed and prints 1, then 2 and so on.
Remember the last number before it reboots.
NOTE: Its fasm code, so may need modding for nasm.
My understanding of assembler is rather limited. Where does "jmp $" jump to? What code is it running that lets you know it has worked?
jmp $ is the same as
jmp stop
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by DavidCooper »

guyfawkes wrote:jmp $ is the same as
jmp stop
As there's no routine called "stop", I'm guessing that means it's jumping to itself. If that's the case, when Romfox says he "can see all works", he must mean it doesn't crash because it gets stuck in an infinite loop instead, which won't give him a lot to look at.

I'd like to see some proper debugging done here. After the far jump immediately following the switch to protected mode, I want to see some code that sends a letter and colour to the top left corner of the screen, followed by a delay loop - that's all it takes to see if it's really working or not. If it isn't, look further back for the fault.

The same thing can be done just before the switch to protected mode, putting b800 into ES and 0 into DI before sending ax to the screen (with al=65 and ah=12), and then that code can be modified to try to read the ptrgdt bytes to check that they are correct.
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by romfox »

Thanks but I have already tried with some 'debug' kernels and the kernel never goes launched on my computer. (And all works in all VMs) =(

Yes that is what I meant. All works in bootsector cause I can see it has not crashed with an infinite loop, but it doesn't jump to any kernel.
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by DavidCooper »

The other possibility then is that the kernel hasn't loaded. Have you tried testing that? The way to do this is to start the kernel with some bytes that can be recognised easily, then try to read them from the bootloader code and print them to the screen.

E.g. 235, 2, 65, 66 (all decimals) - that's a short jump instruction followed by a jump distance of 2 to get past the 65 and 66 which are two ASCII chars to be read by the boot code (at any point after the attempt to load the kernel) and printed to the screen.
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by Muneer »

A quick read through the code revealed

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    xor eax, eax      ; calcule l'adresse lineaire de GDT -- EAX IS 0 NOW
    xor ebx, ebx
    mov ax, ds               ; WHY DO YOU WANT THE VALUE OF DS
    mov ecx, eax
    shl ecx, 4
    mov bx, gdt          ; THE LABEL gdt IS 32 BITS IN SIZE. ONLY MUST DO MOV EBX,gdt 
    add ecx, ebx        ; ADDING THE WRONG VALUE
    mov dword [gdtptr+2], ecx

; passage en modep 
    lgdt [gdtptr]    ; charge la gdt
    mov eax, cr0                               
    or  ax, 1
    mov cr0, eax        ; PE mis a 1 (CR0) ; DS MUST BE ZERO BEFORE JUMPING TO PROTECTED MODE 

    jmp 0x8:next


Code: Select all

[ORG 0x0] 

Read those comments by me in caps

EDIT: Triple fault on enabling protected mode means either addressing is wrong like ds is garbage or gdt is not setup in the correct way
EDIT: It would be more easy if your comments were in english
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by romfox »

Thank you I corrected my gdt adress and add a "jmp 0x7c0:start" at the start so CS is now 0x7c0 but this doesnt work (but seems better than before^^).
But trying to set DS to 0x0 when I load gdt and jump it breaks even on VMs...
I keep trying :)
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by Muneer »

I told to set ds 0 because I was taking that you would put your org as 0x7C00. Since you have your org as 0, then you should set ds as 0x07C0, that I see you already have done
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by Muneer »

Hi , I tested your code. There are some things you have overlooked.
For eg: when you have

Code: Select all

[BITS 16]
mov ax , Label1 ; Here Label1 is a 16 bit address

Code: Select all

[BITS 32]
mov ax , Label1 ; Here Label1 is a 32 bit address

Code: Select all

[BITS 16]
mov ax , Label1 ; Here Label1 is a 32 bit address. SO THIS WILL RESULT IN THE LOWER 16 BITS OF THE
                        ; ADDESS OF LABEL1 being entered into ax
mov eax, Label1 ; Here you get what is expected
[BITS 32]

Code: Select all

[BITS 32]
mov ax , Label1 ; Here Label1 is a 16 bit address. SO THIS WILL RESULT IN THE LOWER 16 BITS OF THE
                        ; ADDESS OF LABEL1 being entered into ax. THIS IS AS EXPECTED
mov eax, Label1 ; Here you get what is NOT expected. The higher EAX is now garbage
[BITS 16]
Jmp dword 8:next ; This is a special opcode that takes 8 as Cs and the 32 bit address of next because next
; next comes under the section [BITS 32]
[BITS 32]

Now What you have done in your code is that you tried filling the values of the gdtptr at wrong addresses like

Code: Select all

mov dword [gdtptr+2], ecx ; which gets the 16 bit address of gdtptr and adds 2 which is not what you want
Also it seems that your gdt table is also wrong ... I didnt check it but when I inserted my GDT it worked.

So a clean version would be i.e only taking into account getting into protected mode would be

Code: Select all

[BITS 16]
[ORG 0x7C00]

jmp 0:start


	mov ax , 0 
	mov ds , ax  ;################ SET DS TO 0

    lgdt [GDTR]    ; charge la gdt
    mov eax, cr0
    or  ax, 1
    mov cr0, eax        ; PE mis a 1 (CR0)

    jmp dword 8:protected
[BITS 32]


    mov ax, 0x10        ; segment de donne
    mov ds, ax
    mov fs, ax
    mov gs, ax
    mov es, ax
    mov ss, ax
    mov esp, 0x9F000   

	 jmp $  ;   if I do that I see my boot message

    jmp 0x8:0x1000    ; It restart my real computer & works in VMs

		dw	GDT_End - GDT - 1			;	16 Bit Size Limit Of GDT
		dd	GDT						;	32 Bit Linear Address Of GDT

		dd	0x00000000 ,   0x00000000		;	Null
		dd	0x0000FFFF ,   0x00CF9A00		;	Kernel Code
		dd	0x0000FFFF ,   0x00CF9200		;	Kernel Data
		dd	0x0000FFFF ,   0x00CFFA00		;	User Code
		dd	0x0000FFFF ,   0x00CFF200		;	User Data
GDT_End :

times 510-($-$$) db 144
dw 0xAA55
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by romfox »

I have tried with org 0x7c00 setting DS to 0.
On my computer it breaks when jumping to my kernel cause
"mov cr0, eax
Jmp 0x8:next
[BITS 32]
Jmp $"

Doesnt break. But adding jmp 0x8:0x1000 it breaks.
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by Muneer »

Just out of curiosity, why do you want to jmp 8:0x1000 , when you already have your Cs set to 8 in jmp 8:next.
wouldnt a normal jmp 0x1000, do the job
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by romfox »

Cause a simple jump doesnt work. It seems my kernel is not here. Because I can write to 0xb8000 in color after enabling protected mode so it works but I can't jump to my kernel it reboots my computer.

Edit : It doesnt reboot my computer but doesnt jump to my kernel anymore :

Code: Select all

Mov cr0, eax
jmp 8:next
[BITS 32]
; some code which init segments
mov byte [0xb8a00], 'H'
mov byte [0xb8a01], 0x57

jmp 0x1000
I can see my colored 'H' but no kernel =(

Edit : using the HardCoder's GDT and ORG 0x7c00 followed by jmp 0:start and setting DS to 0 too. I got the same result. It looks BIOS doesnt read my sectors.
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by romfox »

Yes after each int 0x13 I jump If carry but it seems it works. But as like you I think this is an int 0x13 problem cause it doesn't put my kernel to RAM. But don't know what is the problem.

Edit : created a 16 bits register printer function to print my segments or registers but it looks normal (but doesn't work).
And on Bochs I can't debug cause all works.
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by guyfawkes »

Bos ver 1 uses the same method and nasm, download ver 1 and check for any big differences.
See here:
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by Combuster »

HardCoder wrote:

Code: Select all

[BITS 16]
mov ax , Label1 ; Here Label1 is a 32 bit address. SO THIS WILL RESULT IN THE LOWER 16 BITS OF THE
                        ; ADDESS OF LABEL1 being entered into ax
mov eax, Label1 ; Here you get what is expected
[BITS 32]
What epic nonsense. The address is a completely independent type. Only the ORG directive for binary or the linker for ordered formats determine if the address will actually fit within 16 bits or not.
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Re: Problem on real hardware

Post by romfox »

Yeah I forgot to read some simples OS codes. But in BOS, regardless I don't have any BPB, and that he reads sector by sector (I read 50 sectors, can it be a problem ?) I don't see any big differences =S
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