What I currently have:
cdboot.S first stage that knows how to parse ISO 9660 and does successfully find and load the second stage to 0x0600 (verified in bochs mem dumps).
I'm attempting to write a second stage that is agnostic to filesystem or device type. To do this, I reserve a couple dwords at the top of my stage2 where it'll expect to find the kernel LBA offset and # of LBAs to load (I'm assuming int 13 extensions are available, for now -- first stage gives up if they aren't). Basically it's either up to stage1 which knows how to read a FS to find the kernel file and populate these dwords after stage2 is loaded (which is what my cdboot does -- and correctly, based on bochs memory dumps), or else up to an install utility to set them on disk.
So, my concerns.
The first few lines of code of my stage2:
Code: Select all
[bits 16] ; using 16 bit assembly
[org 0x0600]
jmp real_start
times 8-($-$$) db 0
kernloc dd 0
kernsize dd 0
; let's see if we have kernel info
cmp dword [kernloc], 0
jz .end
cmp dword [kernsize], 0
jz .end
Is this possibly a bochs error, or are my db commands messing something up? I'm not sure whether or not to be concerned, because I haven't experienced any runtime errors yet.
Some other minor concerns I'm not sure about:
My stage1 sets the segment registers to zero, and SP to 0x600.
1) It's not necessary for my stage2 to re-set all these values since the stack isn't overwritten, and I'm still in 16bit mode, right?
2) Is a 256byte stack big enough? I don't make any deeply nested function calls other than whatever interrupts do.