First, my bochs error log:
Code: Select all
01131409938i[CPU0 ] CPU is in protected mode (active)
01131409938i[CPU0 ] CS.d_b = 32 bit
01131409938i[CPU0 ] SS.d_b = 32 bit
01131409938i[CPU0 ] EFER = 0x00000000
01131409938i[CPU0 ] | RAX=0000000000400000 RBX=0000000000400000
01131409938i[CPU0 ] | RCX=0000000002805000 RDX=00000000e0000011
01131409938i[CPU0 ] | RSP=00000000dfffff54 RBP=00000000dfffff88
01131409938i[CPU0 ] | RSI=0000000000401000 RDI=0000000002806000
01131409938i[CPU0 ] | R8=0000000000000000 R9=0000000000000000
01131409938i[CPU0 ] | R10=0000000000000000 R11=0000000000000000
01131409938i[CPU0 ] | R12=0000000000000000 R13=0000000000000000
01131409938i[CPU0 ] | R14=0000000000000000 R15=0000000000000000
01131409938i[CPU0 ] | IOPL=0 id vip vif ac vm RF nt of df if tf SF zf af PF cf
01131409938i[CPU0 ] | SEG selector base limit G D
01131409938i[CPU0 ] | SEG sltr(index|ti|rpl) base limit G D
01131409938i[CPU0 ] | CS:0008( 0001| 0| 0) 00000000 ffffffff 1 1
01131409938i[CPU0 ] | DS:0010( 0002| 0| 0) 00000000 ffffffff 1 1
01131409938i[CPU0 ] | SS:0010( 0002| 0| 0) 00000000 ffffffff 1 1
01131409938i[CPU0 ] | ES:0010( 0002| 0| 0) 00000000 ffffffff 1 1
01131409938i[CPU0 ] | FS:0010( 0002| 0| 0) 00000000 ffffffff 1 1
01131409938i[CPU0 ] | GS:0010( 0002| 0| 0) 00000000 ffffffff 1 1
01131409938i[CPU0 ] | MSR_FS_BASE:0000000000000000
01131409938i[CPU0 ] | MSR_GS_BASE:0000000000000000
01131409938i[CPU0 ] | RIP=0000000000100331 (0000000000100331)
01131409938i[CPU0 ] | CR0=0xe0000011 CR2=0x00000000dfffff50
01131409938i[CPU0 ] | CR3=0x0011f000 CR4=0x00000000
01131409938i[CPU0 ] 0x0000000000100331>> popfd : 9D
01131409938e[CPU0 ] exception(): 3rd (14) exception with no resolution, shutdown status is 00h, resetting
01131409938i[SYS ] bx_pc_system_c::Reset(HARDWARE) called
01131409938i[CPU0 ] cpu hardware reset
01131409938i[APIC0] allocate APIC id=0 (MMIO enabled) to 0xfee00000
01131409938i[CPU0 ] CPUID[0x00000000]: 00000003 756e6547 6c65746e 49656e69
01131409938i[CPU0 ] CPUID[0x00000001]: 00000f20 00000800 00002000 078bfbff
01131409938i[CPU0 ] CPUID[0x00000002]: 00410601 00000000 00000000 00000000
01131409938i[CPU0 ] CPUID[0x00000003]: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
01131409938i[CPU0 ] CPUID[0x00000004]: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
01131409938i[CPU0 ] CPUID[0x80000000]: 80000008 00000000 00000000 00000000
01131409938i[CPU0 ] CPUID[0x80000001]: 00000000 00000000 00000101 2a100800
01131409938i[CPU0 ] CPUID[0x80000002]: 20202020 20202020 20202020 6e492020
01131409938i[CPU0 ] CPUID[0x80000003]: 286c6574 50202952 69746e65 52286d75
01131409938i[CPU0 ] CPUID[0x80000004]: 20342029 20555043 20202020 00202020
01131409938i[CPU0 ] CPUID[0x80000006]: 00000000 42004200 02008140 00000000
01131409938i[CPU0 ] CPUID[0x80000007]: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
01131409938i[CPU0 ] CPUID[0x80000008]: 00003020 00000000 00000000 00000000
01131409938i[PLGIN] reset of 'unmapped' plugin device by virtual method
01131409938i[PLGIN] reset of 'biosdev' plugin device by virtual method
01131409938i[PLGIN] reset of 'speaker' plugin device by virtual method
01131409938i[PLGIN] reset of 'extfpuirq' plugin device by virtual method
01131409938i[PLGIN] reset of 'gameport' plugin device by virtual method
01131409938i[PLGIN] reset of 'pci_ide' plugin device by virtual method
01131409938i[PLGIN] reset of 'acpi' plugin device by virtual method
01131409938i[PLGIN] reset of 'ioapic' plugin device by virtual method
01131409938i[PLGIN] reset of 'keyboard' plugin device by virtual method
01131409938i[PLGIN] reset of 'harddrv' plugin device by virtual method
01131409938i[PLGIN] reset of 'serial' plugin device by virtual method
01131409938i[PLGIN] reset of 'parallel' plugin device by virtual method
01131413244i[BIOS ] $Revision: 1.247 $ $Date: 2010/04/04 19:33:50 $
01131728057i[KBD ] reset-disable command received
VGABios $Id$
Code: Select all
static PageTable* CloneTable(PageTable* src, UInt32* phys) {
kprintf("CloneTable(%x,%x)\n", src, phys);
PageTable* table = (PageTable*)kmalloc_ap(sizeof(PageTable), true, phys);
memset(table, 0, sizeof(PageTable));
int i;
for(i=0; i<1024; i++) {
// If its 0, continue.
if(!(src->t[i]&0xFFFFF000)) {
// Allocate a new page.
int ip = alloc_frame();
// Map the page into the table
Pointer phys_addr = (Pointer)(ip*0x1000);
table->t[i] = AssemblePTE(phys_addr, (src->t[i]&(0xFFF)));
// Copy the contents of one frame to another. physical addresses only, please.
copy_page_phys((src->t[i]&0xFFFFF000), (table->t[i]&0xFFFFF000));
return table;
Code: Select all
push ebx
mov ebx, [esp+12]
mov ecx, [esp+16]
mov edx, cr0
and edx, 0x7fffffff
mov cr0, edx
mov edx, 1024
mov esi, ebx
mov edi, ecx
; ecx = ebx
dec edx
jnz .loop
mov edx, cr0
or edx, 0x80000000
mov cr0, edx
pop ebx