i don't think it's a good idea to post such complex thing here, which i think u can hardly figure out where did i go wrong without knowing the detail, but recently someone always hit the right point, so i will try to describe it as detailed as i can.
the situation is, i print an increasing number in a loop in a thread, and generate an interrupt after each print. the interrupt code will save registers, switch to a procedure(but do nothing) then recover it immediately.
the problem is, the increasing number is not always increasing (5% maybe). i see this at my first running on VMware, then bochs and qemu. but i can hardly see it now. fortunately i got a screen shot [img]bug.jpg[/img]
Code: Select all
struct thread {
uchar lock;
uchar stat;
uchar prio;
uchar time; // how many time it's left?
uchar rsvd0[4];
ulong rsvd1[4];
struct process* proc;
struct thread* next;
struct thread* myself; // ====\\\* point to myself.
ulong space; // \\\* page table
ulong regs[16]; // \\\**** this part is used in int handlers, should not be changed a bit.
ulong intvect; // ///**** everything should happen very accurately here.
ulong errcode; // ///*
ulong intstk[5]; // ====///*
void thread_idle( thread_t* me ){
ulong i = 0;
while ( true ) {
struct x64_cpu* mycpu = cpu_who_am_i();
//vga_prt("%d\t", i++); // use this instead will reduce the problem, but not solve
vga_prt("idle %x running on cpu %x ! COUNT= %d\n", me, mycpu->id, i++ );
__asm volatile( "int $255" : : : "memory" );
void inth_dispatch( struct thread* t ){
vga_prt( "INT %x.%x : thread=%x, rip=%x, rsp=%x\n", t->intvect, t->errcode, t, t->intstk[0], t->intstk[3] );
//vga_prt( "." ); // use this instead will reduce the problem, but not solve
int_recover_thread( t );
void int_recover_thread( struct thread* t ){
struct x64_cpu* me = cpu_who_am_i();
me->tss.rsp[0] = (ulong)t + sizeof(*t);
me->tss.ist[7] = (ulong)t + sizeof(*t);
t->regs[6] = (ulong)me + (me->sz);
//vga_prt( " t : %x\n", t );
recover( & (t->space) );
Code: Select all
%macro Handler 1
section .text
bits 64
align 8
global inth_prep_%1
%if ((%1!=8)&&(%1!=10)&&(%1!=11)&&(%1!=12)&&(%1!=13)&&(%1!=14))
push 0 ; no err code, push one.
push %1 ; int vector
push rax
mov rax, qword inth_prep
jmp rax
pop rax
push r15
push r14
push r13
push r12
push r11
push r10
push r9
push r8
push rbp
sub rsp,8 ; don't push rsp!! there is a rsp value here, which is the new stack for int handlers.
push rdi
push rsi
push rdx
push rcx
push rbx
push rax
mov rax,cr3
push rax
mov rdi,[rsp-8] ; thread.myself, a thread_t* pointing to itself is stored here.
mov rsp,[rsp+8*7] ; switch to new stack
mov rax,qword inth_dispatch
call rax ; inth_dispatch( thread_t* me );
mov rsp,rdi
pop rax
mov cr3,rax
pop rax
pop rbx
pop rcx
pop rdx
pop rsi
pop rdi
add rsp,8 ; see how did we do this in inth_prep_
pop rbp
pop r8
pop r9
pop r10
pop r11
pop r12
pop r13
pop r14
pop r15
add rsp,16 ; int vector and err code.
i've been working on this for half a day, so i need you guys remind me what might lead to this. thank you so much!