Currently I have an IDE (PATA) driver in assembly that works well but would like to create a SATA driver as well.
Mainly something like this but for SATA:
Code: Select all
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; readsectors -- Read sectors on the hard drive
; IN: RAX = starting sector to read
; RCX = number of sectors to read (1 - 256)
; RDI = memory location to store sectors
; OUT: RAX = RAX + number of sectors that were read
; RCX = number of sectors that were read (0 on error)
; RDI = RDI + (number of sectors * 512)
; All other registers preserved
push rdx
push rcx
push rbx
push rax
push rcx ; Save RCX for use in the read loop
mov rbx, rcx ; Store number of sectors to read
cmp rcx, 256
jg readsectors_fail ; Over 256? Fail!
jne readsectors_skip ; Not 256? No need to modify CL
xor rcx, rcx ; 0 translates to 256
push rax ; Save RAX since we are about to overwrite it
mov dx, 0x01F2 ; 0x01F2 - Sector count Port 7:0
mov al, cl ; Read CL sectors
out dx, al
pop rax ; Restore RAX which is our sector number
inc dx ; 0x01F3 - LBA Low Port 7:0
out dx, al
inc dx ; 0x01F4 - LBA Mid Port 15:8
shr rax, 8
out dx, al
inc dx ; 0x01F5 - LBA High Port 23:16
shr rax, 8
out dx, al
inc dx ; 0x01F6 - Device Port. Bit 6 set for LBA mode, Bit 4 for device (0 = master, 1 = slave), Bits 3-0 for LBA "Extra High" (27:24)
shr rax, 8
and al, 00001111b ; Clear bits 4-7 just to be safe
or al, 01000000b ; Turn bit 6 on since we want to use LBA addressing, leave device at 0 (master)
out dx, al
inc dx ; 0x01F7 - Command Port
mov al, 0x20 ; Read sector(s). 0x24 if LBA48
out dx, al
mov rcx, 4
in al, dx ; Read status from 0x01F7
test al, 0x80 ; BSY flag set?
jne readsectors_retry
test al, 0x08 ; DRQ set?
jne readsectors_dataready
dec rcx
jg readsectors_wait
in al, dx ; Read status from 0x01F7
test al, 0x80 ; BSY flag set?
jne readsectors_nextsector
test al, 0x21 ; ERR or DF set?
jne readsectors_fail
sub dx, 7 ; Data port (0x1F0)
mov rcx, 256 ; Read
rep insw ; Copy a 512 byte sector to RDI
add dx, 7 ; Set DX back to status register (0x01F7)
in al, dx ; Delay ~400ns to allow drive to set new values of BSY and DRQ
in al, dx
in al, dx
in al, dx
dec rbx ; RBX is the "sectors to read" counter
cmp rbx, 0
jne readsectors_nextsector
pop rcx
pop rax
pop rbx
add rax, rcx
pop rcx
pop rdx
pop rcx
pop rax
pop rbx
pop rcx
pop rdx
xor rcx, rcx ; Set RCX to 0 since nothing was read
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------