First, we need some misc functions to communicate with keyboard.
Code: Select all
;dl=1 read, dl=2 write
ps2wait: mov ecx, 1000
@@: in al, 64h
and al, dl
jnz @f
dec ecx
jnz @b
@@: ret
ps2wr: mov dh, al
mov dl, 2
call ps2wait
mov al, 0D4h
out 64h, al
call ps2wait
mov al, dh
out 60h, al
;no ret, fall into read code to read ack
.ps2rd: mov dl, 1
call ps2wait
in al, 60h
Now the initialization code, it's a bit ughly, but has to be done only once. Don't cause trouble if called several times.
Code: Select all
packetsize: db 0
resolution: db 3
samplerate: db 200
;initialize legacy ps2 user input
xor rax, rax
mov dl, 2
call ps2wait
mov al, 0A8h
out 64h, al
;get ack
call ps2rd
;some compaq voodoo magic to enable irq12
mov dl, 2
call ps2wait
mov al, 020h
out 64h, al
mov dl, 1
call ps2wait
in al, 60h
bts ax, 1
btr ax, 5
mov bl, al
mov dl, 2
call ps2wait
mov al, 060h
out 64h, al
call ps2wait
mov al, bl
out 60h, al
;get optional ack
mov dl, 1
call ps2wait
;restore to defaults
mov al, 0F6h
call ps2wr
;enable Z axis
mov al, 0F3h
call ps2wr
mov al, 200
call ps2wr
mov al, 0F3h
call ps2wr
mov al, 100
call ps2wr
mov al, 0F3h
call ps2wr
mov al, 80
call ps2wr
mov al, 0F2h
call ps2wr
call ps2rd
mov byte [packetsize], 3
or al, al
jz .noZaxis
mov byte [packetsize], 4
.noZaxis: ;enable 4th and 5th buttons
mov al, 0F3h
call ps2wr
mov al, 200
call ps2wr
mov al, 0F3h
call ps2wr
mov al, 200
call ps2wr
mov al, 0F3h
call ps2wr
mov al, 80
call ps2wr
mov al, 0F2h
call ps2wr
call ps2rd
;set sample rate
mov al, 0F3h
call ps2wr
mov al, byte[samplerate] ;200
call ps2wr
;set resolution
mov al, 0E8h
call ps2wr
mov al, byte [resolution] ;3
call ps2wr
;set scaling 1:1
mov al, 0E6h
call ps2wr
mov al, 0F4h
call ps2wr
;reset variables
xor eax, eax
mov dword [cnt], eax
mov dword [y], eax
Code: Select all
packet: dd 0 ;raw packet
;keep them together
cnt: db 0 ;byte counter
buttons: db 0 ;buttons, each bit represents one button from bits 1-5, 0-released, 1-pressed
x: dw 0 ;position on x,y,z axis
y: dw 0
z: dw 0
xor ecx, ecx
mov cx, 1000
xor eax, eax
.waitkey: in al, 64h
dec cl
jnz @f
@@: and al, 20h
jz .waitkey
in al, 60h
mov cl, al
in al, 61h
out 61h, al
xor ebx, ebx
mov bl, byte [cnt]
add ebx, packet
mov byte [ebx], cl
inc byte [cnt]
mov bl, byte [cnt]
cmp bl, byte [packetsize]
jb .end
mov byte [cnt], 0
;get buttons state
@@: mov al, byte [packet]
and al, 7
mov cl, byte [packet+3]
and cl, 0F0h
cmp cl, 0F0h
je .no45btn
shr cl, 1
or al, cl
.no45btn: mov byte [buttons], al
;get delta X
movsx eax, byte [packet+1]
add word [x], ax
;get delta Y
movsx eax, byte [packet+2]
add word [y], ax
;get delta Z
mov cl, byte [packet+3]
and cl, 0Fh
cmp cl, 8
jb @f
or cl, 0F0h
@@: movsx eax, cl
add word [z], ax
;buttons,x,y,z variables contains valid values now.
;here you possibly want to send a mouse event message to your gui process.
.end: ret
ps.: sorry for the tabs, it looked fine in editor.