- What should it be capable of?
I'm not capable, that's for sure.
- Is something like that already existing?
What on paper is what I want. Sure there is nothing exactly like it. - If yes, why do I need to re-invent it?
Example: If it was reinventing the wheel and the valve on a existing wheel was not in te middle of the frame of the wheel, so i have to balance the wheel with extra weight to balens it. I should better make a wheel again with the valve exactly in the middle. Yes I'm stubborn
- Do I have the knowledge, skill set, and spare time to actually make it happen?
I'm creative,studious and stubborn. What more do you need??
These are questions you should have asked yourself. People going to help you in building the softwar e are more or less
entitled to the answers, so we can judge if we're helping a worthy cause, or wasting our time (and yours, too).
I'm enjoying myself and I want to learn more. But I don't want to wast your time.
Writing a database client in userspace can be done in a couple of hours up to a couple of months.
The database I made is working. But I allways feel stupid when I start all this mallware to start the main function of the server. Be a DATABASE!!!
Writing an OS from scratch that is capable of
supporting a database client - i.e., providing memory management, file I/O, network I/O, and a somewhat capable user interface - takes an order of magnitude longer. Another order of magnitude longer on top of that if you're looking at picking up the required knowledge as you go.
memory management and files are the main reason to make my own OS. Tha database is the fundament of its own. It uses itself to build the interface. Just like my database generate the interface to use it like it does now. Only one step ahead whit this project (hobby). Now it makes webpages as the database-structure support it lay-out and backwards. Just like an OS should be something like a selection. Select * from hardware where functions='needed' and hardware='supported'
Check out
this posting made by Brendan (who's easily among the most knowledgeable people on this board). Attempting to write an OS in Real Mode is
more difficult than writing one in Protected Mode, not easier. That's why they
invented Protected Mode. Trying to get around having to "make the hardware controllers yourself" shows two things:
- You don't feel up to it.
- You're looking for a shortcut.
Hence, I point out the easiest shortcut there is: Use one of the several existing, USB-booting host operating systems, and code what you
really want (a database client) on top of that. Or use one of the many clients already existing. I might be unaware of some special requirement you have, so I'm asking you if there is one, and what it might be.[/quote]
The question I ask is not:
Should I make an OS?
What reasons to switch to protected mode.
You could had given the answer.
Protected mode is 32 bit and support hardware and documentation is mostly 32 or 64 BIT based. So if you want to make it in real mode you'll get stuck with 32bit addressing.
If you want to read the temperature of your shutdown button in the future.
But my question was. If I don't want to know the temperature of my shutdown-button.
The only thing I want to work is
- networking (Yes most info is still provides even for MS-DOS)
- input and output interfaces
- display
- and do not need a lot of memory
Then you answer could be simply:
Be carefull, because there is no mutch support on hardware in 16 bit mode and no mutch information on the internet.
And then I wasted just 5 minutes of your time.