Hi all,
About half year ago I have asked here a question about EFI and running it under Qemu. And seems there were many persons interested in this topic. As I see, now there are fresh related topics created in this forum so the interest still exists but the OSdev Wiki had very small amount of practical information about EFI development. Recently, after half year break I have started my new project of legacy-free OS which supports only EFI as platform firmware. I decided to contribute to OSdev Wiki and shared most of my findings here. I have described basic principles and hints of development EFI application using GNU toolchain and Qemu emulator. The instructions are quite trivial for skilled developers but probably they still will be useful for beginners. I have created this post to answer questions if somebody has and accept recommendations what to improve or add to the article since now I have a possibility to play with all this stuff.
EFI application building, running and debugging
EFI application building, running and debugging
3G GPRS core network industrial OS system architect
My private OS project: http://trac3.xp-dev.com/phobos_root/
My private OS project: http://trac3.xp-dev.com/phobos_root/