ASM vs. C/C++

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ASM vs. C/C++

Post by pepito »


I have a problem that can sound funny or can sound tragic...

I have finished the first version of my OS, but I wrote it using only Assembly Language.

As it could be expected my code have some bugs but is very difficult to to find where the errors are originated and then fix the code. I was careful in commenting very well my code, but the Assembly Language is abstract by nature.

Do you think that I must migrate my code to C/C++ lenguage?

Thank you very much,

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Re: ASM vs. C/C++

Post by cipek »

Hmm. Maybe i can help you. I write my own OS in 16bit Asemly language. If you too i can look in you'r code. Maybe we make the OS together :D

P.S. Give me adress of you'r OS website if it is.
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Re: ASM vs. C/C++

Post by pepito »

Sorry, my code run in 32 bit protected mode. But I can send you a copy if you want.

Pepito :)
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Re: ASM vs. C/C++

Post by [AlAdDiN] »

I think it's a good idea to migrate to C or C++.
codding 32bits kernel in assmbler is possible but it's too hard to debug (if we don't say impossible), think about the future whan you will implement filesystems, advanced memory managers, module loaders .... or .... GUIs
There are 10 types of people in this world... those that understand binary, and those that don't.
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Re: ASM vs. C/C++

Post by Anton »

pepito wrote:Hello:
As it could be expected my code have some bugs but is very difficult to to find where the errors are originated and then fix the code. I was careful in commenting very well my code, but the Assembly Language is abstract by nature.

Do you think that I must migrate my code to C/C++ lenguage?

Well, thats why C was invented. This languages is for OS writing. Think of it as high level asm(Even C++ is a high level asm-it's not OOP(it's in some sense OOP when writing, but when you have a binary-it's a asm-nothing left of OOP)). C++ can also be used for OS writing.
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Re: ASM vs. C/C++

Post by cipek »

So if you can send me the source on
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Re: ASM vs. C/C++

Post by Legend »

I think with more complex tasks, your tools got to scale with them up, too. That is why I would not code an OS in assembler, for the reasons that you already had discovered! ;)
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Re: ASM vs. C/C++

Post by krillzip »

If you'er smart you make C headers for the most lowlevel asm functions, or those that are bugfree, or you want to keep in asm. Then you just rewrite the other parts of your os in C++ and link it together. Guess you remember the structure of your OS. ||-P
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Re: ASM vs. C/C++

Post by pepito »

O.K. I will begin to migrate my code right now...

Thank you very much for every one!
Pepito :)
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Re: ASM vs. C/C++

Post by Smith »

I think C/C++ code would be better because there are many Applications written in C/C++ and saves you the need of writting them yourself. On the other hand you loose a lot of speed than if you wrote it in ASM.
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