Bootloader CD-ROM - UDF file System

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Bootloader CD-ROM - UDF file System

Post by vision »

I would like to write a bootloader CD-ROM, which would have implemented the UDF file system. Could someone recommend a book, article, tutorial about the implementation of file system - most notably a UDF file system, and bootloaders CD-ROM (no emulation). It seems to me that the UDF file system for CD-ROM is the best solution.
I'd be mighty happy as anyone would have code such bootloader UDF CD-ROM

PS. I don't speak English.
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Re: Bootloader CD-ROM - UDF file System

Post by Combuster »

CD's use the ISO9660 format by default, and booting a CD requires an extension to that filesystem. You can't use UDF and boot from it at the same time. Please do reconsider your filesystem choice - breaking standards will only be causing trouble.
vision wrote:PS. I don't speak English.
Obviously, no. You're writing English. :roll:
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Re: Bootloader CD-ROM - UDF file System

Post by vision »

I'm Polish, so I say that I know little English.

And could someone help me with writing a bootloader CD-ROM ISO9660 with Rock Ridge extension? Some books, tutorials, etc?
And nice to have someone ready code;>
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Re: Bootloader CD-ROM - UDF file System

Post by Tosi »

vision wrote:And nice to have someone ready code;>
No, this is bad. What is the point of writing a bootloader or OS if you just copy and paste code and never learn anything?

Also, there is not a tutorial on everything. Practically the only tutorial I ever found useful was the Bare Bones ones on the Wiki, for getting everything set up initially. After that, everything consists of reading documentation, not tutorials, and using that information to write code. If you're just going to copy and paste code, you won't learn anything, and it will probably not work since it might have been written for a different purpose than you are using it.

As a starting point, I would read for information about the filesystem, as well as having an interrupt list handy for any BIOS calls you'll have to make.
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Re: Bootloader CD-ROM - UDF file System

Post by vision »

I do not mean to copy -> paste ..... If I have code that is described in addition to more understand. Unfortunately, I do not know English so well, to read the specifications and the time it takes me a translation than an understanding of, / (As you know google translate in general is not suitable for reading the specification)
And thanks for the site.
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