Code: Select all
default: test
# bootfloppy.img is a testing image with JUST the bootloader
bootfloppy.img: obj/boot.bin
dd if=obj/boot.bin bs=512 of=bootfloppy.img
mkdir obj
mkdir iso
$(OSNAME).iso: iso/$(OSNAME).bin
mkisofs -o $(OSNAME).iso -b $(OSNAME).bin -boot-load-size 4 -no-emul-boot ./iso/
obj/kernel.bin: src/kernel.c obj
$(CC) -c src/kernel.c -o obj/kernel.o
ld obj/kernel.o -o obj/kernel.bin --oformat=binary -Ttext=0x100000
obj/boot.bin: src/boot.s obj
nasm src/boot.s -f bin -o obj/boot.bin
iso/$(OSNAME).bin: obj/boot.bin obj/kernel.bin iso
cat obj/boot.bin obj/kernel.bin > iso/$(OSNAME).bin
make -C src/libc libc.o
@echo -n removing obj directory...
@rm -rf obj
@echo done
@make clean # remove everything clean removes
@echo -n removing boot images...
@rm -f $(OSNAME).iso # delete boot CD
@rm -f bootfloppy.img # delete bootable floppy
@echo done
test: bootfloppy.img
qemu -fda bootfloppy.img -boot order=a
testcd: $(OSNAME).iso
qemu -cdrom $(OSNAME).iso -boot order=d
"make" on its own does the same as "make test"
"make test" will create and run a bootable floppy disk
"make bootfloppy.img" will create a bootable floppy disk
"make testcd" will create and run a bootable ISO
"make YourNameHere.iso" will create a bootable ISO
It's fairly obvious from a simple dissection what the source naming convention is, and it wouldn't be too much effort for somebody to abstract this naming convention into Makefile variables (eg SRCDIR=src/, etc.).
Oh yeah and it should also be fairly obvious that it's aimed at a Linux environment with qemu installed. Again, it shouldn't take -too- much effort to abstract the linux-specific stuff nor the qemu stuff. I just tend to err on the side of brevity rather than concision/portability.
Have fun hacking it, anyway.
License: Public Domain