I am using K3B to do it. Added the boot image stage2_eltorito to it.
Copied my start.bin kernel. And have this
Code: Select all
default 0
#timeout 30
#title Boot from hard disk
#chainloader (hd0)+1
title My kernel
kernel /boot/start.bin # Edit it to the filename of your kernel.
The menu.lst is in the same directory as the stage2_eltorito
directory structure for the cd filesystem looks like this
When I try to boot from cd I just get the cd displaying Loading stage2 ?
I just want a way to boot my start.bin easily. I haven't tried command line genisoimage but thru the K3B GUI I think it should work the same way?
Any help would be great.
The only thing I can think of is my kernel is not "A (Multiboot compliant) kernel that GRUB can boot." But I don't know what that even means for being on a cd?
Also I have tried switching my start.bin kernel for a known working kernel and still gives me the same message.... Stuck at Loading stage2????