problems while creating virtual flopy

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problems while creating virtual flopy

Post by rsmahanti »

I am going through BrokenThorn Operating System Development Series. I am trying to create virtual floppy using steps provided there. Steps are :
We will use VFD to create a virtual floppy image to copy our OS to. This will explain how to use it.

1. Open vfdwin.exe.
2. Under the Driver tab, Click the Start button. This starts the driver.
3. Click either the Drive0 or Drive1 tab.
4. Click Open

Insure Media Type is a standard 3.5" 1.44 MB floppy, and disk type is in RAM. Also, insure Write Protect is disabled. Click "Create".

Go to My Computer (On *your* computer ;) ) and you should see a new floppy drive.

To format the disk, right click the drive and go to Properties. Under the VFD Tab will be a format option.
Here the prob is I can't find the VFD tab in properties. When I proceed further and use partcopy :
partcopy Boot1.bin 0 200 -f0
I get the error msg
Failed to write destination at offset 0
I can't understand what the problem is? Can anybody help please? Thanks in advance.
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Re: problems while creating virtual flopy

Post by wenn32 »

you simple have to open/create the drive 0 to get rid of the problem even i am a newbie even after the partcopy is successful it shows me "boot from floppy 0 failed" "FATAL: could not read the boot disk"

please help us
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Re: problems while creating virtual flopy

Post by Combuster »

I'm not a VFD user, and I do not have a crystal ball. Nevertheless, you are not confusing the virtual floppy and the physical floppy drive, right?

In any case, loopbacks (like VFD) cause for a ton of other issues, especially when trying to use the loopback and the image at the same time. Instead, it's much safer to use dd/mtools/bfi and work on images directly.
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