I have a problem that's seriously starting to get on my nerves. For some reason I can't get my printString(char* message) function working. And by working I mean it doesn't print out anything, what so ever. First I tried with my own printString(char* message) function, but I then thought that I had just done something wrong. Then I instead decided to c+p a function from a tutorial, yet, no reactions from VMWare player. My first consideration was that the memory map might look different on my MacBook than on a PC. But I scratched that idea as I can easily clear the screen by writing to 0xb8000.
Here's some links to pastebin.com where I have uploaded the code:
main.c: http://pastebin.com/gi7CvS8Y
video.c: http://pastebin.com/8X2MjiAH
video.h: http://pastebin.com/9BVBHBys
And finally here's compile.bat:
Code: Select all
@echo off
"C:\Mingw\bin\gcc.exe" -ffreestanding -c main.c -o main.o
"C:\Mingw\bin\gcc.exe" -c video.c -o video.o
"C:\Mingw\bin\gcc.exe" -c hal.c -o hal.o
ld -e _kernelEntry -Map memorymap.map -Ttext 0x1000 -o kernel.o main.o video.o hal.o
objcopy -O binary kernel.o kernel.bin
makeboot cyborgosx.img "C:\Users\Benjamin\Desktop\CyborgOSX\output\bootloader.bin" kernel.bin
copy "C:\Users\Benjamin\Desktop\CyborgOSX\core\*.img" "C:\Users\Benjamin\Desktop\CyborgOSX\core\src\*.img"
del *.img
"C:\Users\Benjamin\Downloads\cdrtools-latest\mkisofs.exe" -o cyborgosx.iso -A CyborgOSX -b cyborgosx.img src
copy "C:\Users\Benjamin\Desktop\CyborgOSX\core\*.o" "C:\Users\Benjamin\Desktop\CyborgOSX\output\*.o"
copy "C:\Users\Benjamin\Desktop\CyborgOSX\core\*.bin" "C:\Users\Benjamin\Desktop\CyborgOSX\output\*.bin"
copy "C:\Users\Benjamin\Desktop\CyborgOSX\core\*.iso" "C:\Users\Benjamin\Desktop\CyborgOSX\output\*.iso"
del *.o
del *.bin
del *.iso
I would really like some help!